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Sapphire_Rose 01-04-2008 04:32 PM

A Question on Empowerment
Hello Fiesta Cleric Population!!!

I'm Sapphire_Rose of Teva, and I have just a few questions about skill empowerment. Please post responses next to the number I assign to the question as this will make reading and utilizing your information so much easier.

1: As far as the empowerments go, which ones are most useful for a cleric who solos most of the time, but may do the occasional KQ for poo-poos and giggles?

2: I understand that only active skills can be empowered, but some of the empowerments do not make any sense. For instance, the attack skill bash can have its buff duration increased. Is this just a crossover making the empowerment window uniform for every skill in the game or is there some later form that buffs/debuffs?

3: With all these other questions, assuming that they get answered, I'm sure you are all tired of reading my boring over examining type. This last question is simply a noobish one. Could someone give me a somewhat step by step informative empowerment guide for the first 9 skill points?

Ex: Heal-Sp consumption- 5 points
Bash-Damage-4 points

Something to this effect would be greatly appreciated.

For those that are wondering whether or not something crawled up my butt and died causing my fingers to type in boring-ese. This is not the case, but I'm just in college again and english composition causes one to be much more careful with what they type.

Much Love ~Sapphire_Rose~

Hessah 01-04-2008 06:36 PM

1. Heal - Decrease SP Consumption - as that's cleric's most often used skill
Bash - Increase Dmg - its about the only useful attack skill we have (trip/bleed are much weaker in comparison i believe)
Invincible - Increase Duration - u get a good extra 7.5sec if u put 5 SP here... often useful when u get mobbed by a few mobs... (This one lots of people argue about, but its a suggestion)
Then after that you may want to consider decreasing the SP of Bash...

2. Yup. I believe if you try, you cant put any points into duration into bash as there's no duration.

3. Your example would be exactly what I suggest.

jacquin 01-04-2008 09:12 PM

I also recommend decreased cooldown on heal. In real firefights, seconds WILL mean the difference between life and death (oh how many times I've seen my warrior at 20 or less hp when a heal kicks in).

Hessah 01-04-2008 09:20 PM

but she solo most of the time... so its not very often she need to spam heal a lot... if you party a lot then i'd recommend decrease cooldown

NotMyWay 01-05-2008 01:51 AM

What about bash cooldown empowerment? i havent done so yet but am contemplating doing so... after all, bash is the only useful attack skill (unless we get some better ones after level 100 or something)

Edit:1. btw i dont think that invincible is worth spending more then 1 point in. 1 point= +3.8 seconds. 4 additional points only add a total of 3.7 seconds more. also, it disappears if u take too much damage.

Amanda2_0 01-11-2008 08:59 PM

well its very simple, if inv wears off before it should means one thing... the tank is pulling a mob to big for them to handle correctly. I have gone all 5 points and that 17 sec of taking no damage amazes ever tank I party with. If I am in a party where that should break before 17 sec then the tank is a toast anyhow cause they just took 2.6K+ dmg in 1 sec if they get hit again no way even spam heal will save them.

NotMyWay 01-12-2008 04:01 AM

Still, I dont think 0.7 seconds per point is worth it... 3.8 seconds maybe but 0.7 seconds?

Tazer 02-22-2008 02:14 PM

HEAL - sp consum 5pts
- cooldown 5 pts

BASH - power 5 pts
- cooldown 5 pts
- sp (if u 5 pts
have any

INVINC - duration 1-2pts

Any spare pts dump on periodic heal sp consum

This is atually my build

Im a solo cler

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