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Yosei 12-22-2007 11:35 PM

Spider Assault Guide!
Recommended members:
- 4+ tanks
- 1 cleric per party atleast
- Mages with Nova Frost

Lives: 8
Time: 30 mins

This is the method we used 2 times today. Both were successes.

This KQ is very much like Robo. You enter the circular dungeon and all head towards the room ahead. Soon mobs of spiders come running into the room. The tanks should start mocking, holding off all the spiders. Mages should spam Nova Frost and magic burst. If you're not aoeing, attack w/e monster a tank is attacking. Various other monsters will spawn.. like greenkies and archmage books. You fight until a message from the queen spider pops up. You head out and find the king spider and fight it. All tanks, except the main tank, should aggro the smaller spiders. Eventually, like Robo, many spiders will spawn, and everyone runs. There should be an established runner, or runners, by then, and like in Robo, they are in charge of aggroing the mobs.
If your group is able and if it has multiple runners with many smaller mobs running with them, you can group up and kill the mobs one at a time. It'd be much easier if a party that contains a fighter, a cleric, and DDs did it together instead of attempting it with people running around you.

And basically.. like Robo, you run around and try to survive. If the time is up and you're still alive, yay! Success!

The average treasure chest gives you about 5 stacks of mats, 30 in each stack, and antitoxins.

I'll add more details later.

Loveless 12-23-2007 01:48 AM

Eck, huge spiders. D: If my sister played Fiesta she'd freak.

Looks like fun though.

Blaaaaaaaah 12-23-2007 03:05 AM

Ewwwwww the spiders are freaking huge, yuck. >_>

Enraya 12-23-2007 04:13 AM

The spiders are DISGUSTING.
Ewwwww~ lol jk jk xDD

Wow, the rewards are good enough at least o__o
Can't believe there's already a spider guide so soon. I thought that it would be another week before someone made a guide xD

Zucchini 12-23-2007 04:16 AM

I'll probably freak out in fiesta if i see some gigantic spider running towards me. D:

Yosei 12-23-2007 04:19 AM

They were like the spiders in MT and CP1.

Blaaaaaaaah 12-23-2007 05:24 AM

But it looks heaps bigger there... Dx

Triumph 12-23-2007 05:18 PM

Frost Nova and Inferno both look sick.

The experience looks decent per kill. How much experience do you get for each successful KQ?

Yosei 12-23-2007 05:48 PM

I think 43k, and the mobs themselves give nice exp. The grave robbers give about 4k exp each, and there's alot of them. The prizes give you nice money too. I got 53s from the first one I did, and then 39s from the next.

secbro20 12-23-2007 06:14 PM

That is sick. Looks really cool

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