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Fr0Z3nWind 01-13-2013 10:57 AM

Don't Starve
its a really fun game!!!! its about you having you find resources to survive, u can build traps, weapon, and many other stuff.

Interesting game play includes...
cutting down trees may spawn a tree guard (a boss)
killing too many neutral animals increases your naughtiness and a krampus may spawn
a spider den goes through tier upgrades over time and when left alone for very long, a spider queen (a boss) emerges

it has been keeping me occupied for days, because of the challenges and you can always press start a new world to get a totally fresh new map

although the game lacks of a tutorial and a fresh player without seeing any videos on youtube may feel confused at the start, you will start to learn and find things on your own through experience. I still feel that the game is really innovative and fun to keep one entertained, either by surviving with the highest day counts which gets progressively harder or by doing really random stuff like setting everything on fire and exploring the huge map with various islands

I just burnt down the forest by accident because im dumb -.-

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