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Yosei 02-06-2012 02:32 PM

Anticipated MMOs?
As ironic as it is, I think the majority of the regulars here no longer play Fiesta :nahnah: so I figured I'd start a thread for anticipated MMOs that we are looking forward to playing soon.

I heard Tera Online is going into BETA soon. I really wanna try this game... it looks really good. I've been spoiled by WoW so the game is really going to have to have end-game content. Cuz with big games like WoW, the end game content is really where the game begins.

Next one is Guild Wars 2, duh. But they are taking forever with this game. This game has promising end-game content and makes up where Blizzard has been lacking lately without being a simply copy/paste like Rift. My only issue is that long ago I read that they are eliminating roles... like tank, healer, and DPS and making it easier to solo. I think this could ultimately lead to a very antisocial community outside of raids. I personally love MMOs for their social and dependency on other players. I mean, if you wanted everyone to essentially be kind of like a druid on WoW (jack of all trades) but excelling in one job more so over the others... then thats fine.

Hraesvelg 02-06-2012 05:20 PM

The only MMO that possibly looks interesting to me is The Secret World. The only builds I've seen are fairly early on, but I'm a little leery of the combat system. Only time will tell.

Yosei 02-06-2012 06:42 PM

All of the trailers I see for it make it look like a single player game. It definitely looks unique, but the thing that alarms me is the "free open world." That concept has been put into a game before and that game turned into a flop. I forget the name, but I heard that even the world was open pvp. It just dumped you into the game and before you could even get yourself moving, you were constantly ganked by other players and unable to even do anything.

MikeyG 02-06-2012 07:31 PM

SO looking forward to finally playing The Old Republic when I get my new machine. GuildWars 2 and Tera are on that "must play" list for myself as well.

Loveless 02-06-2012 09:53 PM

Oh, TERA... seems interesting. Is it p2p?

I'm looking forward to C9. It went to VIP Beta testing recently?

It's similar to Dragon Nest in that it's instanced action-MMO. With nicer graphics.

Yosei 02-24-2012 03:23 AM


Tamashiiryuu 02-24-2012 03:44 AM

Thank you, Yosei!!!

RayRay 02-24-2012 04:28 AM

tera is p2p the weekend beta already happend and it was 10$ from friday-sunday lol im going get tera when it comes out hopefully

Loveless 02-24-2012 10:31 PM

I kind of want to try TERA but not sure about p2p games?

Yosei 02-25-2012 01:27 AM

Paying to take part in a beta is BS. It doesn't reflect the company well with me.

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