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Rightclaw 09-10-2010 07:11 AM

August Fiesta Feature: True Love!


In this month's Fiesta Feature, we are bringing you a true love story brewed by Fiesta itself and a BABY! Marriage is a big deal in the world of Fiesta, believe it or not, some of our players find true love and tie the knot in real life! DangerousSharida & Kenshiro recently did just that, and we were all truly touched when their beautiful daughter Anarose was born. We reached out to Dang and Ken to get the firsthand scoop on their story!

Interview of Love

Team Fiesta: Hey there Dang and Ken! I hope my beloved Fiestan couple is doing well. Many thanks to all three of you for taking the time and answering these questions. Lets get right to it!

Dang: We are doing great, thank you :). Ok, let us see what you have in stored for us and answer the questions.

Team Fiesta: Ok, first question. How did you both hear about and start playing Fiesta?

Dang: Wow, I had to dig far into my memory for that one! Well I had quit playing another MMORPG that I had been playing actively for about 4 years, then, I kinda didn't feel like being so involved in a gaming community anymore but I still had the interest for MMORPG's. I started beta test and try out new games randomly whenever the trailer and story was interesting enough. After playing for a short while I would get bored again and delete the games. So one day I ran into Fiesta and tried it out.. and I'm still here playing :).

Ken: I have been playing another game but they closed the international accounts and so I went looking for another game and found fiesta after looking on Youtube videos of games. I got interested by the Mages that I saw doing frost nova and wanted to try it out.

Team Fiesta: Did you ever think you would meet your future husband/wife in Fiesta?

Dang: No, absolutely not, I wasn't looking for a relationship at all honestly.

Ken: Nope, I was just playing for fun.

Team Fiesta: Well, I have been reading up on your love story and it's really entertaining to hear Dang tell her tale. I would love to hear Kenshiro's side of the tale!

Well I basically had quit the game for a short break for a few months and I was bored one day, so I started to play Fiesta again. Shortly after I had returned to the game I was doing my Kidmons quest and after a while I saw a cleric on the other side killing Kidmons as well. I saw her a few times as I run around killing off the Kidmon, so the third or 4th time or so seeing her I stopped for a moment and look at her killing the Kidmons as slow as could be and when she finally almost killed the Kidmon it healed it self up again. I felt bad for her and since I could use a Cleric being a Mage and not having the strongest defense, I decided to send her an invite. It seem like she was not going to accept my invite, she did not say anything either so I was about to leave the area to continue my quest when she suddenly appeared on my screen in the party. Again she did not talk so I just said hello. She simple n shortly replied with "Hi". And again silence. So after a little bit and killing some Kidmons with her healing me I started a conversation. To start off I just asked her why it took her so long to accept my invite and she said she solo a lot and did not know me so she wasn't sure if she should accept. Then I talked a little about random things but she was not opening up much and just replied to things I said. I was flirting some with her to make her feel a little bit more comfortable. Since that day we party all the time and got to know each other a lot better and it became a lot more serious pretty soon. But it took me a lot to convince her about the whole relationship thing. Though I succeeded, didnt I?

Team Fiesta: Yes, you certainly did! I'm sure you guys have shared many conversations, do you ever argue about Fiesta?

Dang: Oh yes we have sometimes mostly little things though.

Ken: Not really big arguments but yes we had/have our moments of arguing about the game.

Team Fiesta: Well, sometimes if words won't settle your arguments it's time to head to the Free Battle Zones! If Dangerous and Kenshiro were to have a match to the death in Fiesta, who would win?

Dang: Kenshiro for sure cause I would refuse to fight, also I don't believe in clerics as damage dealers and I know Ken knows how to play his Mage well enough to be able to kill me smooth n quickly LOL.

Ken: I would kill her first for sure, shes too slow dealing damage on her cleric, also I can cast from a distance while she still has to try to catch me first.

Team Fiesta: Haha, it sounds like there's no argument there! So tell me about the first in person meeting. I'm sure it was excitement and nerves all mixed up.

Dang: I was very nervous! Being a very shy person (I know its hard to believe, but I am truly shy in such real life situations.) I learned to hide that by being talkative, I would talk about anything! Though the little shaking of my hand let Ken know that I was not as much at ease as I would like him to think :P

Ken: I was more excited then nervous. I was a little nervous only because it was our first meeting and I really wanted to look cool :P but dang was very nervous, when we sat down at the airport right after we meet and had a drink, she just could not sit still.

Team Fiesta: Aw, I bet! It sounds like all those nerves soon went away, though. How was the wedding? Any exciting details? In real life and in-game.

Dang + Ken: The wedding IRL was very simple and we kept it small. We did the official part then went to our apartment where we had some sandwiches and later cake and champagne of course. In the evening we went to a BBQ restaurant with all of us. Just my parents and brother with his wife and kids where there because we married on quite a short notice and all Ken his family lives abroad, spread out allover the world. The plan is to marry in front of the church as well though and travel for that either to Portugal where he was born and many of his family lives, or to Venezuela where his parents and brothers live, so his family can be present at our wedding as well. The in-game wedding was pretty big, like all our friends n guild mates where there. After the wedding we did some kind of a honeymoon thing and just traveled allover Fiesta on our turkeys and made pictures at romantic places.

Team Fiesta: Now shortly after your real life marriage, your precious daughter was born! Anarosa is such a beautiful and uncommon name, what inspired it?

Dang: The name had to follow a couple rules, it had to be easy to be pronounced in as well Dutch as Spanish, it had to be one name, it had to fit with the last name, which is a very long and to me exotic one. My other daughter has a Dutch name, Merel(which is a European bird as well) and I wanted it to sound right with that as well and of course we both had to like the name. I went looking up baby names and made a list with names I liked and added names that Ken mentioned but one after the other we ditched again until we ran into one we both liked... Rosa, also the name of Ken's grandmother. Though Rosa would be kinda short to sound nice with her long last name so we kept thinking and I kept searching through name lists online but nothing came up... till just out of nowhere it came into my head, Anarosa, I said it out loud and loved the sound of it. I didn't wanted Anna Rosa, that are two names and Annarosa might lead to her being called Anna or Rosa eventually. Ken liked it too and so did my other daughter. That is how we decided on her name. I do have to admit that ken usually calls her a noob instead o.o;

Ken: I mentioned some names I liked, one of them was Rosa but we both where not really 100% convinced about it and dang did most of the research on names online but nothing really came out of that until Dang one day said how about Anarosa, I played with the name in my mind and said it out loud a couple times, although it was not right from the first moment, the more I thought about the name I start to like it really a lot and we decided to pick Anarose for her name.

Team Fiesta: Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby girl. What an amazing story you two have! Is there any message or thoughts you want to share with the community? (Anything you want!)

Dang: There's a lot of mixed thoughts from people in the community about meeting up and/or having a relationship with someone meet in a game/online. Its dangerous to just meet anyone you meet online and barely know, is one of the arguments that is being brought up. They are right, but that counts for anyone you meet anywhere else too I think, it can go wrong badly IRL as well just like that... even with people that you actually know very well... just use your common sense... if something sounds too good to be true... it usually is and... don't accept candy from strangers and stay in control of the situation at all times and you most likely will be just as safe as always. Just use your common sense.

Ken: I am very happy to have our beautiful and healthy baby and to have found my true love in life. And to me its not important where we found each other, or how, what does count is that we DID find each other.

Rightclaw 09-10-2010 07:11 AM



Team Fiesta: Absolutely, I think your love story touched the hearts of many, especially mine. From the whole Fiesta Team, we wish your family a happily ever after!

Blaaaaaaaah 09-10-2010 07:21 AM

Awwwwwwwwwwww x)

Hessah 09-10-2010 08:34 AM

They baby ish cute =D

Helion 09-10-2010 09:31 AM

Very cool story. Almost make you think anything is possible.....:laugh:

louis12 09-14-2010 02:08 AM

aww.... damn this story was nice made me cry(im not joking):cries:

Hraesvelg 09-14-2010 03:20 AM

Wow, they're moderately attractive. Color me surprised.

Loveless 09-14-2010 03:41 AM

Lol Hrae

Such a nice story though, baby is so cute.

MikeyG 09-14-2010 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 423449)
Wow, they're moderately attractive. Color me surprised.


Belaslav 09-15-2010 04:13 AM

Cute. I just hope they have their priorities straight. (Kid > games that is)

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