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Hazu 06-07-2010 05:18 AM

So my ex is mad at me because I hang out with a guy that is just a friend.
Me and him, my ex, stayed friends.
We argue all the time. I love to argue though (obviously). But it's starting to get irritating.
And why the hell do you tell someone you love them, but you dont want to date anyone?
But then get upset when they hang out with someone they just see as a friend. And then argue with you about it. And tell you to "Pick me or him" type of thing. And by refusing to pick it's me picking? Idk.
'Cause they're both friends. And even if I was dating one I wouldnt pick because I can be just friends with a guy.
The two guys used to be friends until my ex found out my other friend had a crush on me. And crushes don't always develop into anything.
My parents arnt enthused about me being friends with either of them anyways.
Not that they're bad people. LOL. They just think they're a bit lazy or weird. But everyone's weird. Srsly they want me to date a lawyer or doctor (nty).

T_____T But I was all "Im in a blah mood but happy cause im going swimming tomorrow" and like ended up listing of ppl i was going wif. 'cause I was amazed I got two ex friends to go with me and my two ex friends hate eachotehr and they agreed to go. Its weird.

But BLAH. Guys are stupid.
Then he's "bye"
me: "why?"
and argument to get him to tell me what's wrong XD and yeah... LOL -falls on face-

T_T jerkface also didnt go to my house on my birthday 'cause my friend was invited aswell as another friend who was female. Lol... but yeah he kept apologizing for it later but it was his choice T_T guys fail. Horribly. Why do they have to be so jealous?

Also. Males seem to think my dog Rascal is ugly. HE's adorable all my female friends love him.. lol

MikeyG 06-07-2010 05:21 AM

Because sometimes guys do love girls but don't want a relationship, it happens ... seeing each other is usually the way it works out, most guys don't want the commitment of a relationship when your young anyway. ( I'm speaking from experience :P )

Your rants so over the place I really don't get what your trying to say .. but theres my 2 cents.

Hazu 06-07-2010 05:25 AM

Yeah... it was a random rant XD Just got off of work about an hour ago and still not thinking straight but felt a need to rant about it but couldn't keep on track what I was ranting about....... x-x mainly him.

>o< bleh now he keeps texting "Have fun with ----" as his every reply T_T blergh.

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