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Destrus 04-30-2010 11:46 PM

ah what a day
it's about to turn to total shit instead of the usual half shit half mediocre.

of course it's extremely hot in my room and they're not gonna turn on the air conditioning so i'm dealing with that as usual:hulksmash:

i also have work to do for these classes though and i really fucking HATE even trying to think in heat. this usually turns into LoL rage where i go aggro ez and push my team up mid through an inhib after an ace:devil:

but of course my day can't end with just heat exhaustion, no. guess who's on their way? that's right! my lovable little cousin who totally doesn't annoy me to death at all *twitch*

oh and ya know, i was thinking about doing some laundry yesterday but i decided to wait until today cause it was also way too fucking hot yesterday and doing laundry just makes it worse since the washer and dryer are right across the hall from me. yes, somehow they do add that much more heat to my room. but you know, i got up and one of the 50 million people in this house was already doing laundry. oh but that's not all. this particular person loaded the washing machine with a rug and made it unbalanced. so guess what? IT'S NOW FUCKING BROKEN. so i guess i won't be doing any laundry at all today... and not for a long time. FUCK GOING TO THE LAUNDROMAT. I FUCKING HATE THAT PLACE EVEN MORE THAN I HATE THAT HOUSE AND THAT'S A LOT OF HATE.

oh did i mention how shit this house is? yea, it's pretty shit. for once the wiring is all weird. certain places are connected that shouldn't be connected. like a couple sockets in my room are on the same line as sockets down stairs in the living room. this just makes shit confusing as hell when we have ot go to the circuit breaker because someone decided to vacuum without turning anything off.

then, there's the kitchen sink. it's been fucked up for years. to drain it we have to turn on the garbage disposal. they tried using a snake to clear it out and it fixed it for a couple days then it fucked up again. and now the bathroom sink seems to be stopped up. i swear if it's the same problem i'm gonna fucking rage and rip the pipes out of the wall.

oh, and while i'm at it, i'd also like to throw in some LoL rage from the last couple weeks.

go ahead and look at my games. see those losses? yea, my teams hav ebeen fuckign feeding retards barely worth the titles of cannon fodder and distraction. but really, that's all they are. i can only have a good game if i go premade. then i at least have people to depend on. people who won't jump into a team by themselves with 5 doran's blades as jax.

seriously i get total fucking morons. two big examples of people who need to be permanently banned from the internet for extreme retardation the likes of which could not have been naturally occuring (it had to have been some kind of botched brain surgery):
fucking moron jax (no, not even the 5 dorans blade idiot i mentioned above). we're top laning against another jax. that jax's lane partner was somewhere else. we were pushing then i looked and saw ryze was mia from mid. knowing that he was coming to gank us again (yes, he did it once before. probably chose our lane because our bottom was feeding them enough already and i kept saving jax's idiotic ass) i tell jax to get back. i start going back and of course ryze shows up. of course i shift and ghost my ass to the tower cause fuck, i'm not dieing for some idiot that can't listen. well he makes it back to the tower too some how (i swear he did a leap strike on thin air). we get to the tower and i'm telling him that's i said to get back. he just says "heal me". i'm like uggh, what the fuck ever, and heal him. then he runs back and leap strikes the other jax and of course gets instantly destroyed by ryze. i honestly just didnt' know what to say there. i seriously considered rage quitting.

the second moron (different game) was a garen. now i had a bad feeling about this garen when the game started and when i saw i would have to lane with him something told me i was going to end up having to practically solo. so i did my solo skill build which meant getting my q first (q > e >q > w > q then max w then e). we ended up against an ashe and shaco. the shaco wasn't too smart i could tell but ashe is ashe and was a pain in the ass. garen ends up taking a lot of damage and we're pushed back to our tower. we're level 3 at this point so of course i don't have my w. he's at less than 100 hp (a 1 - 2 shot for any ashe no runes or items needed or a 1 shot for a shaco). suddenly he spins at them and insta dies. i'm like WTF.

he's like "don't you have heal?" umm no, you should check that before you dive in like a retard. it wouldn't have saved your dumb ass anyways.

"but it gives speed" wtf? it gives attack speed moron and nothing could have saved you there.

obviously, i just fucking gave up with him. someone else went bottom and i went top against blitz and some other champ i hate laning against but i'd rather solo against them than have to share a lane with that retard.

btw, this is how the game with the feeders and idiot ryze diving jax ended:

needless to say it was a big time loss.

Leesa 05-01-2010 12:02 AM

Oh damn, do some yoga! D: ! Drink green tea.. er, whatever! I sense so much stress T.T

Destrus 05-01-2010 12:12 AM

i hate yoga. had ot do it for a month last summer for this stupid acting class. i could so go for some tea though if it wasn't already so freaking hot.

oh, and to top things off:
we got 3 pizzas. one sausage and pepperoni. one something and olives. and another was half pineapple and something and half mushroom and something.

we get sausage and pepperoni cause me and my father don't like that other crap they get on their pizzas. so i got 3 slices and my father said there were only 2 when he got to it. the olive pizza is missing one slice and the pineapple and mushroom crap has some slices missing. but the pepperonie and sausage pizza is fucking all gone. WTF. I went down cause i was hungry again adn wanted anotehr slice BUT THE FUCKING PIZZA IS GONE WHILE THAT OTHER SHIT IS THERE. so now i'm hungry, pissed, and hot and my cousin is still coming as far as i know. now i'm gonna go order myself another pizza and if anybody touches it I'M CHOPPING THEIR MOTHERFUCKING HANDS OFF.

Hraesvelg 05-01-2010 12:19 AM

Yoga always pissed me off. Probably because I'm not limber enough to do it and it just gets frustrating.

Scotch is my stress reliever.

MikeyG 05-01-2010 12:22 AM

I don't know if you know the real meaning of what a day.

Smoke a doobie, have a drink, or read a calming book ...
time spent angry is wasted time.

Destrus 05-01-2010 12:23 AM

i never had a stress reliever. well i guess vodka was one but now that i'm home i can't get that anymore soooo i'm back to nothing.

MikeyG 05-01-2010 01:46 AM

Drinking a bottle of vodka angry though just kinda increases the anger... you gotta go in drinking that shit happy that your gettin drunk.

Destrus 05-01-2010 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by MikeyG (Post 411262)
Drinking a bottle of vodka angry though just kinda increases the anger... you gotta go in drinking that shit happy that your gettin drunk.

i may be weird but even when i was already angry alcohol only ever made me feel happier.

MikeyG 05-01-2010 07:29 AM

Not wierd, I just feel any substance is all about mind-state... do shrooms having a negative feeling/vibe, your gunna have a bad trip. That kinda thing.

Sparkeh 05-01-2010 11:40 AM

Welcome to my world des. (:

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