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arman5656 10-14-2009 04:36 PM

What happened to G____G?
So at last i was bored of joining, quiting and being kicked out of many guild academies:cries:. I have experianced many guilds in the past month, but i could not find a good and stable academy of which i could join the guild later on.
So at last after a month i joined G____G.:nahnah:
But i was shocked that no one ever comes online. I played in that academy with my fighter(now lvl 40) and archer(2x). And no one ever came online. The rewards weren't the best, but atleast they were there.

Some days back a lvl 61 fighter came online on the guild(i will not name him)
He was very nice and helpful.

So all i want to ask is why is this academy so dead?
Is it the same with the guild?
If not, at what lvl can i join the guild?
I have seen that people on FF are in G____G, do you people come online?

Thank you all!

Bunii Boy 10-14-2009 05:20 PM

LOL! Kopu was u? I joined Teva out of boredom yesterday.. and joined G____G
You were the only one on in acad, and i asked if the guild is dead.. u didnt answer....
Im in HvG now.

Zwivix 10-14-2009 05:21 PM

Most GG quit or are inactive. Or it could be just like when I was in GG...You live in a different timezone so you'll never see them on.

But mostly they dont log on anymore. -pokes Holy_VanGuards academy open or you can try to join our junior guild VanGuards-

Edit: Bunni your in HVG D: how come you never said anything...

secbro20 10-14-2009 05:30 PM

I'm in G____G and yes, the guild is basically dead in game. Members are still active on the forums, but most have stopped playing fiesta or play rarely.

I still play a bit but I've been quite busy with school lately and haven't been able to play very much.

Ralath 10-14-2009 06:17 PM

I haven't officially quit. Fiesta is kind of on hiatus for me. I can't juggle too many games and school's hard... T_T_T_T_T_T

But maybe over break I might log in again if other people do.

Hraesvelg 10-14-2009 06:19 PM

There are a few that still play in-game, but a lot of us are adults that have jobs or are attending university. During holiday breaks there seems to be a bit of an uptick in in-game activity.

Then there's also the timezone thing. We're pretty far-flung, with concentrations in Australia and the US. If you log-in during "normal" evening hours for either of those areas, you won't see the other group.

Tamashiiryuu 10-14-2009 06:26 PM

I havent been able to log on in some time due to a step father i have.
once i get my internet back, youll see i play almost 24/7

Lady-Loki 10-14-2009 06:41 PM

Actually, there are some who still log in from time to time, but we don't/can't or aren't able to stay on full time.

Gungi, Spirit & I were on for a couple of hours just last night. Sometimes there real life things take precedence. I know Spirit has been very very busy in real life and now with school in session and her step-son a football player in his senior year she spends most Friday nights at games. And I know Gungi has a lot of extra-curricular activities with her kids right now.

As for me, I have had an issue with random d/c from Fiesta for several months which makes it basically impossible for me to solo. I have logged in for KQ's since the lag that precedes the d/c generally guarantees death and the KQ does not drop me back in town. But I rarely log in to spend any time working solo. And with the d/c issue I also do not ask others to party me and have them feel as if they need to hang around to keep me alive till the d/c happens & I get back in.

But, while G____G has evolved into an ebb & flow kinda guild, we aren't really dead. Just harder to find when you go looking for us.

Hessah 10-14-2009 10:20 PM

Oh geez I didn't even know that Bunii was in GG at one stage =D

But yeah, there's not too many of us left, and for those that still plays are probably only on a few hrs a day at max..

it's much easier to spend more time on the forum than in game.. and personally I lost interest so I hvn't been logging in.. not that you would find me anyway considering our timezone different... which is a pain xD

10-15-2009 10:34 AM

I saw several GGs on Monday night when I was on for quite a few hours, between midnight and 5 AM EST in the states. I know I've seen Spirit on some the last few weeks. At least it is somewhat active - I'm about the only player in my guild that plays any.

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