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kaylaspot1996 09-20-2009 04:58 PM

Legals & Humans Round 18
Legals and Humans

Round 18

Phino Wins First!!!

Legals Win Second!!!

* Don't give proof of what you are, i.e. ss of my pm telling what you are.
* Keep on topic, even if this is MoS.
* If you are dead or not part of the game, you are NOT allowed to post anything that would influence the active players' choices.
* If you are unable to play, please notify me.
* You must make at least 1 post per day. It must be constructive to a certain degree.
* You must vote each round - 2 missed votes will equal your death!
* A maximum of 2 deaths will be allowed in human voting (unless the Bomb is in play). Any ties of 3 or more players will result in NO DEATHS.
* Above all else, HAVE FUN!!!!!


~ Helion ~ Grandma Myzen
~ Hessah ~ Human
~ Lirange ~ Human
~ Cillia ~ ST
~ Manzcar ~ Human(Did not vote for Day 3)(Revived by PMK)
~ BlackDragonEX ~ Phino
~ Triumph ~ Human
~ Esen ~ Legal
~ Destrus ~ Human
~ Jikanu ~ Legal(Did not vote for Day 2)
~ Blaaaaaaaah ~ Legal
~ secbro19 ~ PMK

A very cautious group of humans walked through the gate into Moonlight Tomb, a place said to be filled with spiders, bats, and zombies. Every member in the group recieved a small letter telling them to meet at Moonlight Tomb on the 20th Day in the 9th Month. There was no one waiting for them, so they decided to just sleep there for the night. In the morning they all woke to a terrible shriek of terror. They ran out of their filed-hideaway to find Kayla, barely breathing. When asked what happened she only said this. "Run away," she told the group. Kayla was now dead, leaving the group in shock. What kind of monster could have done this?

~*Day 1*~
The group gathered around a fire, knowing they would be here for awhile. The tried to forget about their dear friend Kayla, and figured she was attacked by a Piggy Bat. But as the day grew colder, the group realized they had no food. They chose BlackDragonEX to go forage for food among the many monsters. So BDex found some Zombies guarding some wonderful looking Tasty Meat. He quick;y snuck by, snatched the meat, and ran toward the group. The Zombie Master saw BDex, and ran after him. The group saw BDex and were relieved he made it back, but then they saw the Zombie Master take his club, and wack BDex unconcious. As the Zombie Master ran with his meat, BDex laid still until a dark blue-green smoke rose from him and a sinister laugh was heard throughout the Tomb.
The Humans have voted off BlackDragonEX, The Phino!

~*Night 1*~
Shocked by the death of an "Epic Phino" the humans went to sleep without any trouble. No one realized it, but three very mischevous people awoke and planned to kill one of their own. They traveled to a far part of Moonlight Tomb, where they could discuss their plans without anyone knowing. Helion, however, heard the "humans" leave as he went for a drink of water. He called to them, but was not heard. So he followed them to the center of the Tomb and watched as they gathered around a little fire. Helion accidentally stepped on a twig, awakening a Zombie who then chased him right to where the legals were. Frightened to see his dear friends be evil, Helion ran but didnt go far. He was stunned by the knife in his lower back. The legals laughed and gave Helions body to a Ghost Slime. A mist rose from Helions body, and it was revieled to he really was...
The Legals have killed Helion, Grandma Myzen!
Meanwhile back where the humans were resting, one very pesky "human" awoke unwillingly. Someone was making such a noise that the "human" couldn't sleep. The "human" slithered through everyone sleeping and found the source, a snore. Drivin with anger, the "human" pierced an arrow through them, until the snoring ceased...
The ST has killed Lirange, a Human!

~*Day 2*~
After finding Helion and Lirange and realizing they were being picked off one by one, the humans decided to vote someone off every day to find the evil people. It was then decided that Triumph would be killed to see if he was evil. Triumph didn't say a word as he was escorted down to a secret place where Foxes roamed all through the night. Luckily, one just happened to be awake foraging for something to eat. So Triumph was thrown to the hungry Fox, not a single bit of mist leaving him...
The Humans have voted off Triumph, a Human!

~*Night 2*~
Upset and furious that another human was now gone, the humans went to sleep as they waited to find if anyone would die that night or not. In the middle of the night three legals went out sleep and found someone to kill. But the legals found that another person was more of a target, so the legals crept up and sliced the human to pieces...
The Legals have killed Destrus, a Human!

~*Day 3*~
The humans were getting very worried, because there weren't many of them left. They didnt want to vote for anyone so they had someone volunteer. Manzcar stood up and said ,"If no one will sacrifice themselves then i will." Mancar was locked in a dungeon full of spiders and mage books, but not a single bit of mist rose from his non-moving body....
The Humans have killed Manzcar, a Human!

~*Night 3*~
The Humans went to sleep very cautiously, knowing that someone was going to die again. Being the brave one, secbro decided to keep watch so everyone could sleep very soundly. As secbro went on patrol he heard a rustling in some bushes. Of course he went to investigate and found it was only some Wild Imps attacking eahc other. As he went back to his little lookout, he felt something weird in his back. scebro reached behind to feel both a knife AND an arrow in his back. As he turned he saw no one, but knew what he had to do before he was gone. "Manzcar!", he yelled. Manzcars grave turned white as Manzcar rose to the surface once again. He saw that secbro had saved his life, so he did what he thought was right. "Thank you", he told secbro. Manzcar took secbro to his sleeping area and stayed with him until secbro took his final breath...
The Legals have killed secbro19, Paladin Master Keast!
ST has also killed secbro19, Paladin Master Keast!
secbro19 has brought Manzcar, a human, back to life!

~*Day 4*~
The remaining humans were relieved to see Manzcar again, but realized that only 3 of them were really human. So they took it to a vote and Hessah was chosen. She pleaded she was innocent, but it was no use. Hessah was thrown into a cage with a vicious King Staff. Hessah tried to fight back but was no match for such a large monster. The King Staff killed Hessah, and the humans realized they were doomed...
The Humans have killed Hessah, a Human!

~*Night 4*~
Knowing that Manzcar was already a Human, and that she was something she immediatly knew who the legals were. She didnt fall asleep, but stayed awake with all of her weapons ready. Suddenly 3 figures surrounded her, and cillia fought for her life. But cillia wasnt strong enough, and a strange mist rose from her limp body...
The Legals have killed cillia, ST!

~*Day 5*~
Finding cillia dead, Manzcar knew he wouldnt survive the vote. He did what he thought was best. Manzcar grabbed cillia's leftover weapons and started to run. He didnt care where, but he ran far from the mini camp he stayed with his friends. Manzcar arn past all the Wild Imps, Piggy Bats, and Zombies to the gate which led to Elderine. Making sure no one was behind him, he ran through the gate to Elderine. But what he saw wasnt the Elderine he once knew. 3 shady figures stood before him, 3 figures he knew were once his friends. They had known Manzcar would try to escape to Elderine, so they blocked him off from the rest of the world and attacked. Manzcar put up a good fight, but was no use. The three Legals took Manzcar and tied him to a pole in the middle of Elderine to show that the Legals had won...but Phino won first.

Phantom Badger 09-20-2009 05:11 PM

Why do you insist on killing yourself every story ?! o.O

kaylaspot1996 09-20-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by BlackDragonEX (Post 380482)
Why do you insist on killing yourself every story ?! o.O

Because its fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn:uhoh:

secbro20 09-20-2009 05:17 PM

She wishes to die.

But anyways, I am human this round! YaY. Now I just gotta worry about those legals. UGH

kaylaspot1996 09-20-2009 05:18 PM

All roles have been sent out!
Have funn! :ninja:

Phantom Badger 09-20-2009 05:18 PM

Yeah, I'm human too....again....a boring old human...again -.-
Goddamnit D< Give me a role next time !

kaylaspot1996 09-20-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by secbro19 (Post 380484)
She wishes to die.

Are you calling me suicidal?!? XD
actually thats funny cause thats what were learning in Wellness right now: The signs of Depression and Suicide

Destrus 09-20-2009 05:22 PM

the hat hates me >_<

Phantom Badger 09-20-2009 05:28 PM

^ Me too D;
Humans. Are. Boring.

cillia 09-20-2009 05:51 PM

human ): i kinda wanted to be a legal again T.T

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