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ILiGhTI 07-16-2009 06:16 PM

ugh no way..... =\
well guys, after being forced into it =[, i'm off to seeing the sad tragedy that is, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
i don't want to cuz i already know i'm going to be disappointed, but my hands are tied and i have no other choice.... nuuuuuu!!!!1

edit: i wonder if the critics that critique the movie have ever read the book..... hmmm, i think not cuz they say its "Magnificent", and "Best Potter Film Yet." bunch of bs .....

Lirange 07-16-2009 09:54 PM

well in trailers, they are obviously only going to put the good quotes in there, maybe a critic did say magnificent, but also pointed out a bunch of negatives, a trailer isn't going to put "horrible movie" in the preview, they want people to see it.

Hessah 07-16-2009 11:50 PM

I think your frds are your best critics.. all those people that gets paid to comment on movies cannot be trusted...

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