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FighterStar 05-30-2009 09:49 AM

Stupid Scammers!!!
:cries: I was so stupid and I let someone random "enhance" my stuff. I gave him my wep and shield to enhance and paid him 500s and then he logged off == So stupid of me >.< If any of you scammers are on FF... lemme tell you... the people who you scam are annoyed at you... I could say harsher stuff but nah x3 Anyone else got scammed.. btw the person who scammed me was called -removed-. Anyone seen that guy >> 'Cause he is so dead >>

a.L 05-30-2009 09:53 AM

I'm sorry you got scammed, but I guess the experience can be used as a wake up call. The only person you should trust with enhancing is yourself. :/

FighterStar 05-30-2009 09:55 AM

True I guess x3 But still... I am pissed >.<

Blaaaaaaaah 05-30-2009 10:18 AM

Name has been removed due to the no-naming rule to avoid blacklisting.


Bad luck with the scam =[ Hope you get to recover your loss soon.

SpeedySnail 05-30-2009 04:47 PM

Yea your not lucky i already got scam in a game name MapleStory,its not fun at all...

Zwivix 05-30-2009 07:15 PM

You let some random guy enhance your stuff? LOL and you were expecting something different?

What you should have done was check his refrences or talked to your guildies to see if the guy had a bad rep...Oh well better luck next time.

FighterStar 05-31-2009 12:23 AM

<------ Has no experience with these things and does not know what to expect ROFL

cillia 05-31-2009 12:41 AM

XD i got scammed like that before. though i was almost positive that he was a scammer so bought a back up XD he did the same thing =P he's badly known on Bijou and when i logged on an hour later and a bunch of people were shouting in eld that he was a *lots of bad words xD* and that he scammed them. that was like... 10 people too Dx

aramil001 06-01-2009 02:27 PM

my brother had some guy steal his +8 sword, i'd say the guys name, but I cant.:cries:

Ronclue 06-05-2009 12:07 AM

Shouldn't we atleast be able to tell who the scammers are to make sure this doesn't happen any more??

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