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Yosei 05-27-2009 05:35 AM

what'd I dooo
I was coloring in photoshop with my tablet, and it sort of messed up. When I move the pen away from tablet and then back, the pen is supposed to go at the same area of the screen coordinating with the spot on my tablet, but it doesn't. I have to keep sliding my pen across my tablet to get it to move from one side of the window to the other.

Its a Bamboo btw

Anyone know how to fix this x.x

Blaaaaaaaah 05-27-2009 05:37 AM

So are you saying that you need to have the pen in contact with your tablet in order for the cursor to move, as oppose to before where you could get it moving by hovering over the tablet (and not directly touching it)?

Yosei 05-27-2009 05:43 AM

Like for instance... lets say my arrow is in the center of my screen. I move my pen away from my tablets activity area and then I move it to the top right corner of the activity area of my tablet, the arrow on my screen will jump over to the top right area of the window. Its supposed to do that, but its not doing that D:

Blaaaaaaaah 05-27-2009 05:45 AM

oh hm.. so you had to move your pen back to the centre and move it across from there?

Ahh I'm not sure. do you have buttons on your pen that you can click?

Yosei 05-27-2009 05:46 AM

Only to right click.

Blaaaaaaaah 05-27-2009 05:50 AM

That's so weird @_@ have you tried googling? You could try having a look at your graphic tablet options again.. both in control panel and photoshop. I doubt something would change by itself since you didn't do anything but it doesn't hurt to check I guess D:

cillia 05-27-2009 07:02 AM

the same thing happens with my tablet..... O-o

Yosei 05-27-2009 03:50 PM

The best thing happened, it fixed itself.

DeathMagnetic 05-27-2009 07:52 PM

Buy a new tablet.

Amber_Bamber 05-27-2009 08:04 PM

that always happens to me :3 i hate it xD
and yeah it usually fixes itself.

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