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CyborGamer 06-27-2007 07:32 AM

Your stat build for fighters
Well, I reckon fighters can have a pretty diverse stat build just as any class. Endurance, strength, heck even dexterity or spirit isn't so bad.

Personally, I'm going with 2:3, STR:SPR. Fighters got pretty low SPR, which means low magic defense, low critical hit rate, and SP. In my opinion, warriors spam skills just as much as a magician does, and our natural growth on endurance and strength is already pretty decent.

Besides, who wouldn't like extra critical rates? Eventually there'd be magic casting enemies, I wouldn't want to rely on high hp and waste potions anyway.

So, what's your skill build? What's your opinion? Let's share and help out fellow fighters. :P

On a side note, I wondered how much difference is there for a fighter who wields an axe, from fighters who wield two hand swords, or even one hand?
Does the accuracy rate of an axe really have that much difference? If so, would pumping DEX be really important as an axe user?

Stymie 06-27-2007 06:19 PM

I was JUST going to make one of these! Anyways, this is a great idea, it will let us compare effencifies of each build. Maybe everybody should bold their build if people just want to skim this thread? Anyways, my Build is

3:2:1:1 (STR:DEX:END:SPR)

I chose to use this build because I want the good damage that fighter's are capable of with lots of STR, along with a high-ish DEX for good accuracy. There's also a bt of SPR for Crits, and END so I can stay alive.

hatake404 06-28-2007 01:17 AM

My build is STR:END. Regarding that obviously STR, and why i chose END is that END builds health and defence and Damage, Health, Defence is what a fighter is really about. Most games are based on this concept also x]

Deaths_Illusion 06-28-2007 01:45 AM

I chose STR and END cause... I like tanking alot.
Plus, when your a fighter its alot easier to grind (hunt)alone than most other classes.
Plus, u deal greater damage and get more HP O.o

CyborGamer 06-28-2007 06:14 AM

It's easy to debate on the fact of more hp and damage. Now, I don't want to start a flame war, but I'd like to get my opinion out, maybe even see my own flaw as well as others.

Ok, well. To quote off many fighter players, "deal more damage". I can argue that SPR has the potential of this just as well as STR. Why? Although SPR does boost our critical, I am not going to rely simply on that fact as an argument (it's a bonus, really). What's the drive of SPR's potential is the fact it adds SP. You'd think that's just weird isn't it?
Fighters have a LOT of skills in the arsenals, so much they can almost spam it non-stop. What's more is that skill attacks are USUALLY, not always, higher attack than our regular damage.

Here, you are probably gonna argue "but STR affects the damage of those skills as well". That's correct, it does. But, the effect isn't significant. You get perhaps 5 more damage out of a 100? whilst your regular attacks probably is 60 normally? Wouldn't it be better just to hit constant 100's then?

I don't really have solid evidence of these facts, but these are opinions I have concluded through experience.

Second quote of many fighters, "more HP = good defense". That's logical, no doubt. So END is a great choice. But to me, that is not enough (TO ME XD). It's true, with a lot of HP, you can last longer than regular people.

But, magic is a crucial factor in this game (actually, it is in any game). By the time you've reached to be able to fight a magic enemy, you'd think "Ha! I have so much HP I don't mind taking those high damage attacks". While that works, it costs so much HP.
I'd save those potion costs by pumping up what's my weakness, magic defense. I'll lose some ground against other fighters, but a fighter is already naturally high HP and physical DEF type.

My last thing is considering the future. END is a great tool, but I personally don't think I will be a shielded fighter. If that's the case, I can't use END to its full potential as it adds shield block %. While on the other hand, SPR will be used to the fullest.

Well, these are reasons why I think pumping up SPR is so perfect. I'd like to hear thoughts on it, where the flaws are.

PS: if you're thinking it, you're right. I have too much time. :P

Stymie 06-28-2007 01:36 PM

I now realize that my Fighter build is screwed up. Now, I'd pretty much ignore DEX, and pump more SPR. Crits give a huge advantage; and skills will probably hit good damage, so a big SP pool is more useful. If PvP is implemented, which it probably will be, it make you a lot better, with more crits and better skill defense. I think a 2:3 ratio of STR: SPR is a good build; however, here are some alternatives:
A 3:2 STR: SPR would give a large mana pool, decent magic defense and uber damage. Or perhaps a 3:4 ratio if you want higher SPR? I think your build would actually be very efficient in both PvP and PvE, so test it out and tell us all how it works.

NavMan 06-28-2007 01:57 PM

I haven't added any SPR to my fighter yet. I've added about 4 points into dex, and rest is in END or STR. I find that I'm doing quite nicely.

Sheapy 06-28-2007 02:09 PM

How about when everyone hits 20, they post their stats so everyone can see what it's like? I'm going pure STR for raw attack power

Stymie 06-28-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sheapy (Post 2433)
How about when everyone hits 20, they post their stats so everyone can see what it's like? I'm going pure STR for raw attack power

Good idea. And post their average killing time for an average level 20 mob.

CyborGamer 06-29-2007 03:12 AM

Sounds good, but there is conditions, considering there's scrolls and equipment upgrades in this game. :P

Seems I made SPR look good doesn't it? XD Well, hopefully I'll hit 20 soon.

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