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bloodrops 11-19-2008 07:00 AM

I hate it when....
....I get d/ced at wrong moments!!

I was in FBZ1 yesterday night...and this warrior made some shouts...that he would give away a green lvl60 axe +9 to the person he sees first after respawning.

And somehow, he happened to respawn right where I was...I wasn't paying much attention to his shouts so I first didn't know I was getting trade invitations. Then he when I accepted the trade invitation to see if he was serious, and he did seem pretty serious.

A really nice, fully enhanced lvl60 axe D:

When I was about to click the lock, someone killed me ._.
So the guy who was about to trade me the axe killed that guy, then I got disconnected. D:!!!
When I came back, *sigh* the axe was given to someone else and he was gone.

:P ah well, just bad luck I guess.

zeilfridge 11-19-2008 01:25 PM

u are so unlucky person.,., ^^

bloodrops 11-19-2008 03:37 PM

Haha yeah I guess :P Ah well, as long as that axe will be used well

Hessah 11-19-2008 09:54 PM

awww... lucky.. but unlucky....

Havock_Rising 12-01-2008 09:29 PM

That's a real let down :(..

Tamashiiryuu 12-01-2008 11:57 PM

that is messed up...i hear bad luck can be rubbed off....

bloodrops 12-02-2008 10:08 AM

Bah, ah well :D Things happen XD

cillia 12-03-2008 07:11 PM

DDD: i want that axe. but anyhow that really sucks :( you dont come upon those things that offen. :( its OK i've dc'ed at some of the worst times too.

for instance (T^T) : i was in roumen and saw someone had just put up a shop. i look in it and theres a lvl50 staff +9 +3% crit godly stat(i know @_@) and i guess the person had priced wrong. i was just about to buy this 200s (Q____Q) godly thing when i dced. when i got back on (about 5 mins later >_>;; ) it was gone D: i think the person went afk not noticing their mis-priced item )':

DarkPysics 12-03-2008 10:37 PM

* give bloodrops a cookie* dont worry you find a better axe

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