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Lady-Loki 09-27-2008 04:05 AM

Ugh! >_> Annoying people
I think it sux that there are people who are so inadequate in all aspects of their lives that they can't live a day without trying to cause everyone else headaches and without trying to belittle everyone else.

These people are generally such big losers that they attempt to make themselves look better by trying to make everyone else look worse, whether it's by disparaging the way they do something, or the way they say something or the way they look.

It's also a shame we can't respond to these annoying pests without risk of getting in trouble yet these sorry disrespectful gnats just keep flying around our head trying to fly up our nose (nasty booger eater).

Sound like this describes you? Well, maybe it does. Oh boo hoo!

Spirit 09-27-2008 04:20 AM

Some people as so shallow and so pathetic that they have no life and the only way they can make their life "feel" exciting is to make comments about others to try and make themselves feel big. When the truth is, it changes nothing. People like that are still jerks and their life is no better, because until they do something to change their lives, it will not change. And our lives still go on.

It is like sawtting at flies. They bother us for a few minutes, then we get a fly-swatter and smack their asses into mush, and then they are nothing. Just like how they started out as.

Hraesvelg 09-27-2008 05:35 AM


I think it sux that there are people who are so inadequate in all aspects of their lives that they can't live a day without trying to cause everyone else headaches and without trying to belittle everyone else.

Some people as so shallow and so pathetic that they have no life and the only way they can make their life "feel" exciting is to make comments about others to try and make themselves feel big. When the truth is, it changes nothing. People like that are still jerks and their life is no better, because until they do something to change their lives, it will not change. And our lives still go on.
Emphasis mine. Aren't you doing...exactly what you say you're against? Just clarifying your statements.

FabledWaltz 09-27-2008 05:51 AM

I agree 100% with the above poster and I find it funny how you both contradict yourselves.

lamchopz 09-27-2008 06:04 AM

mmm.. no.

having known them, I know they wouldn't make comments like this just because they're in the mood for it.

this is when things really really go wrong.

again, this is where you rage. I think they can't hold it in their chests any more.

Hraesvelg 09-27-2008 06:29 AM

I know them too, lamz. Longer than you, actually. I was just asking for clarification since it appears to be a contradictory position. To quote a movie to illustrate my point, "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."

Destrus 09-27-2008 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 234649)
Emphasis mine. Aren't you doing...exactly what you say you're against? Just clarifying your statements.


Originally Posted by FabledWaltz (Post 234665)
I agree 100% with the above poster and I find it funny how you both contradict yourselves.

i can see how it looks like that but at the same time taking a guess i can say the comments are in their right place this time.

i mean when stuff like this comes up it does make the ones who complain sound hypocritical but when it comes to this subject you can't say what you mean without sounding hypocritical. so i usually go along the thought lines that when its someone complaining about someone else doing it without the complainer first doing it themselves or to other people they're not being hypocritical. but that's just how i think about it.

Hraesvelg 09-27-2008 06:40 AM

I suppose my whole point is that you can express that opinion without actually doing it yourself. Let me crack out my editorial pen:


I think it sux that there are people who feel that they can't live a day without trying to cause everyone else headaches and without trying to belittle everyone else.

They attempt to make themselves look better by trying to make everyone else look worse, whether it's by disparaging the way they do something, or the way they say something or the way they look.

It's also a shame we can't respond to these annoying pests without risk of getting in trouble.

Sound like this describes you? Well, maybe it does. Oh boo hoo!

Some people can only make their life "feel" exciting by making comments about others to try and make themselves feel big. When the truth is, it changes nothing. Their life is no better, because until they do something to change their lives, it will not change. And our lives still go on.
See? Same information without resorting to the behaviour described in the original post. Although this might be "disparaging the way they do something" as Loki referenced in the first post. Then again, I recognize it as part of the human condition and don't let it get to me. This is purely constructive.

Destrus 09-27-2008 06:43 AM

you just cut out the rage sections:hulksmash:

Hraesvelg 09-27-2008 06:51 AM

It seems beyond silly to get enraged over behaviour you then commit. Do two wrongs make a right? Are you then angry at yourself for resorting to the same behaviour you commit? I'm curious how that works. Is it a case of cognitive dissonance?

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