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Perastis 09-19-2008 01:42 AM

(Zwivix) My brother
Well my brother got into a Metrolink Train Crash in Chatsworth... that is the reason he hasn't been on for a while. He got in the crash on the 12th. If you are wondering, he is okay, just a broken leg and a fractured rib. He just needs time to heal his wounds. He should be fine by a month or two.

Hessah 09-19-2008 01:44 AM

=O the one that Rof escaped from..

Pass on our best wishes to him~

Zodiac 09-19-2008 01:45 AM

Poor Zwivix =\ Hope he recovers fast.

Hyper 09-19-2008 01:53 AM

Wow... Say hi for me. D:

Get well soon~

Blaaaaaaaah 09-19-2008 01:57 AM

D: Oh no, I hope he recovers soon. Send him our best wishes!

Yosei 09-19-2008 02:02 AM

Oh noes D: I'm glad he survived. I hope he has a full recovery. Let him know we are all concerned, and he better get well soon!

A_Forever 09-19-2008 02:05 AM

Hope he gets well soon.

&& I never heard about any train crash. Someone fill me in? .-.

Loveless 09-19-2008 02:16 AM

I'm lost about the crash news too...

But I hope he gets well soon. Best wishes.

Belaslav 09-19-2008 02:30 AM

Wow... I really hope he's okay. Law firms wil be suing the Metrolink fulltime now (found at least 20 attourney sites on the first pages of Google Search)

V :tongue:

Spirit 09-19-2008 02:40 AM


LOS ANGELES – A commuter train engineer who ran a stop signal was blamed Saturday for the nation's deadliest rail disaster in 15 years, a wreck that killed 25 people and left such a mass of smoldering, twisted metal that it took nearly a day to recover all the bodies.

A preliminary investigation found that "it was a Metrolink engineer that failed to stop at a red signal and that was the probable cause" of Friday's collision with a freight train in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley, Metrolink spokeswoman Denise Tyrrell said. She said she believes the engineer, whose name was not released, is dead.

"When two trains are in the same place at the same time somebody's made a terrible mistake," said Tyrrell, who was shaking and near tears as she spoke with reporters.

Authorities later announced that the effort to recover bodies from the Metrolink train's crushed front car had ended, with the death toll at 24. It rose to 25 when USC Medical Center spokeswoman Adelaide DeLaCerda said a 50-year-old man transported to the hospital from the wreck died Saturday. She would not release his name.

With about 40 of the more than 135 additional injured passengers in critical condition, the death toll was expected to rise.

This is what I posted in the G____G thread, when i was asking Rof if he was okay cuz we hadn't heard from him all weekend. He happened to be out of town with friends.

Wow, I am so glad that he was one of the ones that survived. I send my best wishes and prayers.

EDIT: Belaslav posted a link, he was faster.

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