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Panda_Bear<3 09-05-2008 01:32 AM

Kingdom Hearts FTW~
Okie dokie i just had to create a thread about it ^^ ANYONE HERE LIKE KINGDOM HEARTZ???????? if u dont ur crazy :nahnah: i luv it and im also obsessed with this game. ive played all the KH games that r out atm but still waitin for KH:Birth By sleep<BBL> im so excited for it im so tired of waiting~~ :uhoh: i already know alot of BBL though ive seen screenies and vids and read....ALOT~ its so hard to read it all cause alot of info where i look :cutielove:

My opinions of the games that r out already r.the first kh i played in the hospitial and just fell in luv with it . i didnt get far though cause i got out like 2 days after or so. and the second one i already defeated like 50 times cause Rawr~ who wouldnt play it over and over. :P as for the CHain Of Memories<CoM> i didnt like it as much cause i played my friends game and she was far so i was like so confused on it and it wasnt the quality i usually like. BBL wat ive seen so far looks so damn awsome I CANT WAIT!!!!

so yea KH PWNS :ninja:

Flame_warrior 09-05-2008 01:36 AM

lol i skiped thrw the 1st lvl 2 quick now i have 2 start over i love the game though restarted it 10 times 2 win the abostical course

Blaaaaaaaah 09-05-2008 01:39 AM

Moved to Gamer's World.

I haven't played the game myself before but I had some friends who were addicted.

a.L 09-05-2008 06:32 AM

KH was alright. Never played KH2.

MikeyG 09-05-2008 06:43 AM

I had a friend who skipped school to play that game...

Ivramire 09-05-2008 06:54 AM

Battle system was alright though it got repetitive somewhat fast. No challenge at all unless you go to the hardest difficulty, doubly so for KH: 2
One reviewer complained that he could leave the game running, turn off the screen and just keep bashing the attack button. Empty room when he got back.

Magic was only useful in a few situations. Only spell used somewhat frequently was the Healing Spell. Others only came into use in specific situations.

Boss Fights in the Arena were good though, liked the Tournaments. A in-tourney save and resume button would have been handy though. Liked the choices for Final Bosses though they were a bit too easy, Rock Giant especially was a joke. Ice Giant was just too long.

Overall story was a bit staid though I suppose that's to be expected, with the target audience making up the somewhat odd venn diagram of Final Fantasy and Disney enthusiasts aged 7-14.

UserName 09-07-2008 04:08 AM

I love that game.
1st and 2nd.
I love the characters as i'm a disney fan=]
And i love how they have disney characters but it isnt too kiddish like for 7 year olds. The story is absolutely amazing.
I cant wait for kh3. Hopefully i'll have the ps3 by then:goaway:

Panda_Bear<3 09-07-2008 09:58 PM

u pplz dont know wat ur missing :O
KH pwns~~~

@MikeyG-haha i would so do that but i dont wanna get busted for anything bad cause im a good gurl :cutielove:

@Bla: Well they r smart cause this game ish so fun u need to play it xD

@Ivramire-O.O wtf >.< so many words~ just say if u luv the game or not ^^

@a.L.-omg u have to O.O u can not just play the first and not the second~

@Username- its not kidish......i dont think O.O<-----well maybe alil cause disney characters but rather then that its fun and yea the story ish awsome!!!

secbro20 09-08-2008 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by a.L (Post 224019)
KH was alright. Never played KH2.

KH2 battles were much better, but I liked KH's story more than KH2. The battles were much cooler to do, since the reaction command was added. Even on the harder difficulty ( proud mode) the games aren't difficult at all. KH2 was a breeze on the harder difficulty. Early on it was kinda tough(Low health and weak weapons) but after you got into it, it was just as easy as normal difficulty

They are making a KH3 after all the hand-held stuff comes out.

koager 09-08-2008 04:24 PM

I played the first one on a gameboy emulator
got to the 2nd to last fight I think and just stopped

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