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Hessah 08-29-2008 10:23 PM

We finished it with 6 People!!!
Woooooo!!! Well with the other thread we were saying how the KKP never fills...

I got up early this morning hoping to get into a full KKP... but the only one with people in it, only had 5 ppl, and i had half a min to decide if i wanna join it before it starts..

so i thought.. wth! i'll do it!

-Loading Elven Wood Map-

I found out that i was the only cleric, with 1 fighter, 3 mages and an archer.

We went through most of the bosses pretty smoothly, Zene, our tank was awesome (hving 6.5k HP really helped!) I even got my Ghost Slime kill! YAY!!

So we got to KKP at about 25 mins left, and both me and Zene thought.. Mobs are gonna be a problem...

But no not really! Zene mocked all the mobs... had 1 or 2 near deaths but the pot/stone/spam heal pulled through... some squishy mages died but I eventually got to revive them...

Zene also tanked both Mara and Marlone when they spawn too! (and see me spamming heal? Cannot use the skill yet, Cannot use the skill yet)

But my heal pulled Mara... and i start to run in circle wondering whether I should go pull mara away and die, or stand on the spot trying to heal myself and heal Zene...

but WendaBoogy the awesome archer came to the rescue, pulled her away and suicide... sacrificing a heart... make it 2 hearts coz mara decided that she likes Wenda very much and ran after her for a hug again... XD

When Robo spawn, Zene mocked without fail, but Robo decided to fear him, so KKP ran loose... luckily his jump only killed Wenda who i revived JUST in time (phew, I didnt actually see that she's dead, coz she's not in my party, lucky she called out)

and TA-DA!!

We finished with 13 mins to spare!!

Thank you Zene for tanking, WendaBoogy for sacrificing, MzWrite, salence_pilence and kipikol to nuking everything non-stop!!!

You guys are awesome! We did much better than a full KQ! XD

08-29-2008 10:27 PM

nice! u can do it alone hessah ino u can

Hessah 08-29-2008 10:28 PM

if they give me 3 hrs to do that KQ, i can probably solo it XD

08-29-2008 10:29 PM

naa u can do it in like 4min c[=

Rof 08-29-2008 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by D.A.R.E.boy (Post 220012)
naa u can do it in like 4min c[=



i just noticed one thing hess...

you got a lot of quests to submit! lol!

very rare that happend nowadays...

Hessah 08-29-2008 10:35 PM

XD i've still got all my Reward quest and... apart from some repeatable quest, i hvnt really handed any quest in XD

one sucky thing about that KQ was...

i didnt get any dogtooths at the end T_T

08-29-2008 11:00 PM

awwh -goes and looks for some-

Blaaaaaaaah 08-30-2008 12:14 AM

Ooh cool! Makes me want to get to 70 to do KKP *0*

Sero 08-30-2008 12:14 AM


Unbelievable... No one even above 75!!! o.o

<---was in a KKP KQ last night with 10 people, only archer, no mage with DD fighters... And we finished with 4 mins. to spare XD

Hessah 08-30-2008 01:41 AM

XD i think hving 3 mages helped... the Mob spawns were actually kills quite quickly.. and very well under control... unlike other big KQ parties where the mobs run everywhere...

see.. all we need is 1 great tank!

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