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FaerieDoragon 02-28-2018 08:50 PM

Weird error that never got solved

This didn't happen to me, but to a friend. I can't remember the exact message, but his character got perma-bugged in a map (I believe, Forest of Tides). His character would endlessly spawn out of bounds, instantly kicking him out of the game. The issue never got solved, and he ended up deleting his character. Did anyone experience a similar bug?

FaerieDoragon 03-01-2018 04:03 PM

I just happened to find a screenshot that shows the very same error I was describing here.

Mindspank 09-16-2021 04:20 PM

This is an extremely old post, but in the interest of closure, and boosting the activity here, I can tell you exactly what happened.

The way the fiesta map files work, is the editor defines playable space. Anything outside of that is non-playable. You can see this by looking at the map and you'll see a defined edge around playable areas and anything outside of those edges is inaccessible.

Somehow your friend got out of bounds. It can happen if a gate coordinates aren't properly configured, but that's not likely. Fiesta isn't like other games where you go out of bounds, and the game is fine. Because the game records your character state when you log out (whether by force or otherwise) your friend was doomed as soon as they ended up out of bounds. However, there are ways to fix this that require GM intervention.

Normally if you were online, the GM could &psummon you and that would pull you out of whatever you were stuck in. Sort of like the /stuck command in World of Warcraft. However, because Fiesta hates player characters in unplayable space, it says "No man, Eff off" and boots you out.

A GM (or a database administrator, not sure if those duties extend to GMs) would need to modify your characters nLoginZoneX, nLoginZoneY, nLoginZoneD and sLoginZone properties in the tCharacter table in the character database. This would essentially yank your toon out of whatever loop you're stuck in. They will probably use the same X/Y/D/Zone coordinates for something like a warp scroll so when you logged in you would just end up with all the warped players from scrolls/KQs and stuff.

tl;dr - Next time this happens to you, or anyone, please don't delete your character. Send a ticket in. It's not something that's beyond their power to fix. It's a (relatively) simple SQL query.

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