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Jikanu 07-13-2009 09:13 PM

Legals and Humans [Round 8]
Legels and Humans
Round 8

Night Three

  • Don't give proof of what you are. ie. ss of my pm to you telling what you are.
  • Keep on topic, even if this is MoS. Don't go talking about Dinosaurs.
  • Don't pm people asking what they are.(unless your robin)
  • If you are dead, or not part of the game, you are NOT allowed to post anything that would influence the active players' choices. This includes actively defending or accusing someone.
  • Don't get mad if someone suspects you
  • If you are unable to play, you must notify me.
  • You must make at least 1 post per day. It must be constructive to a certain degree.
  • Follow original forum rules
  • Have Fun!

  • Roles in play are unknown
  • Game starts with Night Zero, since there's no storyline behind it as there was in the last thread.
Possible Roles

  • Cillia
  • Lirange
  • Manzcar
  • Destrus
  • Blahhs
  • Ivramire
  • Leesa
  • Ralath
  • Esen
  • Helion
  • Hessah
  • Jackaroo
  • kirbysprite
  • Secbro

This time there was no uncertainty. The vote had a clear majority.

Ralath was going to die.

Gazing at the body of Helion next to him, filled with even more arrows, he wondered if he would end up as naught but a decomposing corpse as well.

He frantically cried to his persecutors that he was not human, even pointing fingers at others to save his own hide. They simply shook their heads in annoyance, though. His words would not save him. Nor would the report the mysterious "Grandma Myzen" had issued.

his screaming wouldnt end until his neck snapped and his throat was closed for good.

The humans soon got smug smiles, gazing at the body. They were sure they would soon see the sign of a dark spirit emanating from what remained of ralath. But their smiles soon turned into frowns, even tears. No dark aura rose from this corpse.

The humans have murdered Ralath, a Human.

Night Three

Lirange was walking home, grinning from ear to ear. It had been a nice day. Ralath's death gave him the trust of his fellow humans, and his diligent Journalism had payed off. He couldnt tell anyone he was grandma myzen, but he could certainly assist from the shadows. He thought of perhaps hunting some slimes to feed his superiority complex.

That's when he was stabbed in the back. this death was not swift. he would lay bleeding for an hour. he couldnt call for help, as his lung was punctured; he had to hide the videotape; keep it from harm. he slipped it carefully under his torso as he was dying. the legels grinned at their dead target, and prepared to dissipate into black mist. However, before they could, Manzacar was stabbed in the neck. He died a swift death, and the other legel fled the crime scene quickly as possible. Behind him, a maniacle laugh arose. Chaos knows no difference between its targets.

The reporter known as Grandma Myzen, Lirange, has been assasinated by legels.

Manzacar, a legel has been stabbed by the Senior Torturer.

Day Four

The humans were falling into panic, disarray, and savagery. They had Helion's head spiked through with a spear and posted it in the middle of town, much like they did durring the French Revolution. They came up with a vote, panicked to get this horror over with. At first, no one could agree on any clear winner. After much disarray, they had a revote.

This time, the vote was unanimous.

As secbro prepared to accept the new form of death penalty, he thought of all that he had done; his sick, sadistic games, his cruel bloodlust.

Then he realized he would do it all again if he was given the opportunity.

His mad, frenzied cackle peirced the air as he took his final step off the platform.

No dark aura arose from this one.

The humans were doomed.

The humans have hung Secbro, the Insane Senior Torturer.

Night Four.

Silently, esen cried. she knew she was doomed. She knew they were all doomed.

She figured the only thing to do was go out and kill some monsters in Collapsed Prison, just as she always had. For fun. After all, what's not fun about that, right?

As she got this thought, her throat was silently slit. she felt no pain. she fell off the bridge and into the river.

A mile away, destrus layed in bed and sensed a feeling of utter doom in the air.

The Final Day

Destrus discovered Esen missing.

He was the last human in Elderine.

Blahhs stepped out carefully, glaring at him. She knew of the crimes against Isya he had committed.

She knocked him out, and pulled out a rapier-style sword. "Monster! Y-You're a monster!", Destrus screamed. Blahh's glare intensified. "Monster? You call me a monster? Look at your supposed "victims". Were the werebears cilllia killed for nothing more than armpit hair considered a victim to you? were the bats leesa would've killed in moonlight tomb victims in your eyes?

The only innocent victim we killed was Lirange, and when we did that, Teva punished us by taking Manzcar. It was not something we wanted to do, but it was necesarry.

Don't compare us to the senseless killers, such as Secbro.

You call us dark spirits. We are not. We are the wrath of Isya."

With that, she issued one swift slice to destrus's neck.

She then turned away, back to the empty streets of elderine. All the humans were gone.

She took the head of Helion... Poor helion. She burried it along with the rest of his body in a sacred garden.

She visited Kirby's grave one last time; she regretted having to take the side of the humans against her dear friend, and tears welled up in her eyes, even though she knew he wanted her to.

She left roses at the graves of Manzcar and Lirange, the Honorable humans.

With that, she dissipated into dark mist. And elderine was still.

kirbysprite 07-13-2009 09:15 PM

How many Legals, Jik?

Manzcar 07-13-2009 09:16 PM

I am nothing more than a regular human, I must say good luck to us for finding the legels!

Leesa 07-13-2009 09:26 PM

^Obviously a human o-o Thats what was written in my.. normal human PM =_=

secbro20 07-13-2009 09:37 PM

Good, not a legal this round. Waaaaaaaaaaay to difficult to win. Lets take them down guys!

Day 1 votes

Day 2 votes

Day 3 votes

Manzcar 07-13-2009 09:38 PM


Esen 07-13-2009 09:39 PM

Another round where I have no special human role...

And if Blahs dies first again, I propose a rule be made that no one can die first more than twice in a row or something.

secbro20 07-13-2009 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Esen (Post 361849)
Another round where I have no special human role...

And if Blahs dies first again, I propose a rule be made that no one can die first more than twice in a row or something.

I think its fine the way it is. If we decide that he or she needs to die then they die, regardless of the previous round.

Manzcar 07-13-2009 09:43 PM

That is why I got rid of night zero in my game to give everyone at least one day.

I vote lirange as a legal

secbro20 07-13-2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Manzcar (Post 361851)
That is why I got rid of night zero in my game to give everyone at least one day.

I vote lirange as a legal

Thats a really quick accusation. He hasn't even posted yet, but even if he did, this early in the game it will be difficult to see who is who.

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