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Pritcher 11-22-2015 04:45 AM

Tablula rasa...
To hell with everything and nearly everyone prior. New state, new job, new apartment, new pet, (cat, called him Key, he's my new best friend because fuck humans...). No new women for a while I think...

Clean slate indeed. Wish me luck... Oh yeah, new game for me I'm thinking might be Overwatch...

Lirange 11-22-2015 07:53 PM

where u at

Ralath 11-23-2015 12:26 AM


Blaaaaaaaah 11-23-2015 08:05 AM

g'luck mate

Yosei 11-23-2015 05:40 PM

Have fun! I move into my new apartment next Wednesday.

Hessah 11-23-2015 08:48 PM

Sounds exciting, all the best!

Pritcher 02-07-2016 07:31 AM

I'm back down in Florida again... Not a huge fan even though it is my home state, but whatever. Here I be again for reasons. Anyway, here's a couple shots of me and my buddy Key. Sorry for low quality, my phone camera is crap. :cries:

Ralath 02-08-2016 01:25 AM

awww, did you just get him?

Pritcher 02-08-2016 03:10 AM

Yeah, well I just got him when I originally made this thread. I actually found him and his siblings in a wood pile when I was doing a clean up job for some tenants. I told them about the kittens in the wood pile and they said they'd move them into the garage and take care of em until they were done nursing and ready to be adopted.

I asked them to hold 2 for me. I was going to take two of them and name them Lock and Key. I guess I was too late though, he was the last one, so he's a key with no lock. Probably for the best though. I think I underestimated the vet bills for a new pet. Two at once might have broken me, but I do still plan to find him a friend to keep him company all day. I feel bad because I work a lot and he just chills alone all day.

Blaaaaaaaah 02-08-2016 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pritcher (Post 478607)
Yeah, well I just got him when I originally made this thread. I actually found him and his siblings in a wood pile when I was doing a clean up job for some tenants. I told them about the kittens in the wood pile and they said they'd move them into the garage and take care of em until they were done nursing and ready to be adopted.

I asked them to hold 2 for me. I was going to take two of them and name them Lock and Key. I guess I was too late though, he was the last one, so he's a key with no lock. Probably for the best though. I think I underestimated the vet bills for a new pet. Two at once might have broken me, but I do still plan to find him a friend to keep him company all day. I feel bad because I work a lot and he just chills alone all day.

hahahahaha cute

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