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Spirit 02-27-2008 03:25 PM

Things that make no sense
I cannot stand the way some people constantly bash how awful and horrible this game is yet they still play. If it is THAT bad, then don't play. Plain and simple. If all they are going to do is whine, complain and gripe, then find a new game. Why continue to play something that makes them that upset? It is essentially a FREE game. You do not have to buy from the cash shop, which means you DO NOT have to pay to play. Find another FREE game to go play, if Fiesta is that much of a disappointment for them.
Yes, it is okay to complain about glitches, bugs, lack of stuff, and all that. I personally do not like the way there are very few quests for the higher levels and how a lot of the ones that are offered are bugged. However, I do not rant and rave about it all the time. I CHOOSE to continue playing. But, to constantly complain is just ............ on their part, because no one is forcing them to stay with the game. If they are that unhappy, then just quit and walk away.

Yosei 02-27-2008 04:09 PM

I totally agree. And anyways, you're not getting anywhere by sitting around and complaining, so its kind of pointless.

Patches 02-27-2008 05:13 PM

^^AMEN Spirit.

Software updates NEVER go as planned, learn to live with it or move on. As Spirit said it is a free game, and if you can't deal with it there are plenty more free games to play. I work for a company that implemented a software update in July of '07 that they planned for and tested for 2 years prior, and we are still fixing issues.

O-mie 02-27-2008 05:52 PM

I dunno. This game to me is nothing special or great, especially compared to other games I've played, but I play it mostly because of the friends I have in it, stuff like that.

Hyper 02-27-2008 06:11 PM

Though constant whinning and complaining gets annoying, as customers people are allowed, if not obligated, to demand better service.

Spirit 02-27-2008 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by hyperswoss (Post 98346)
Though constant whinning and complaining gets annoying, as customers, people are allowed, if not obligated, to demand better service.

But, these "customers" do not have to be customers in order to play. The game is playable for Free. Meaning, technically, people choose to be customers. If none of us bought from the cash shop it would not matter. They still offer the game Free. Why complain about something that is Free??

Lets say that your family is having trouble surviving and a local church takes up food donations and gives them to your family; are you going to complain because the Free food they gave you is not what you eat?

It is a free game. If you have so many complaints about a free game, then move on.

Ivramire 02-27-2008 06:18 PM

I think what you're talking about^ is more along the conservative side other than what Spirit is talking about.

People who say "this is the %@$%@$ game ever!! Archers are broken, Clerics can't damage for @#$$ and Mages are overpowered. THIS GAME SUXXXX!!111!!1 " are wholly different from the people who are prepared to compromise and accept mistakes, and report problems and have justified complaints.

Edit:-referring to Hyper's post

Spirit 02-27-2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by lvramire (Post 98348)
I think what you're talking about^ is more along the conservative side other than what Spirit is talking about.

People who say "this is the %@$%@$ game ever!! Archers are broken, Clerics can't damage for @#$$ and Mages are overpowered. THIS GAME SUXXXX!!111!!1 " are wholly different from the people who are prepared to compromise and accept mistakes, and report problems and have justified complaints.

You posted that while I was typing, but YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is that I am saying.
Like I said, I hate that there are not a lot of quests for the higher levels and most of the ones that we do get offerred are bugged. Yet, I choose to keep playing. I send a suggestion to Outsparks to prioritize that issue and I keep playing. If it gets to the point that all I am doing is ranting about all the problems that this FREE game has, then it is time for me to pack my bags and move on.

Ivramire 02-27-2008 06:59 PM

I'm changing my attitude towards Outspark.

I'll still think twice before accepting what acticipated times they post for downtimes, read thrice before buying from CS due to typo'd descriptions, Screenshot important threads and announcements 4 times in case they later delete or edit them, but yes....

It is a company, a company of people who also need money, are fallible, make mistakes, get pissed off and frustrated. People who cannot compromise and can do nothing but complain about what they do get should move on if it makes them so unhappy.

WizardsRequiem 02-27-2008 09:05 PM

Lulz. This couldn't be any more obvious that its about me. I fail to see why you're getting your panties in such a bunch over my posts. I have every right to complain about the game and play it, as does everyone. No one is forcing me to play and i'm not forcing myself to play either. I play Fiesta when I feel like it, IF, I feel like it. That simple.

Obviously every game has their pros and cons but this game has very, very, very few pros and more cons than you can count. Therefore, we should all complain about it because unless we do nothing will get changed. Yes, I suppose I could e-mail the GMs, call up Outspark, and do various other things but one person can't change something like this.

Besides, they're more likely to read my posts on this website than they are to read my e-mails. Not to mention that even if I did e-mail them i'd probably get the same response as anyone which would involve something along the lines of "We're working on it" or "We're trying our best". So again, my final option is to complain. If you hate it so much, skip my posts.

Because just like no one is forcing me to play this game, no one is forcing you to read my posts.

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