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DancingSimmer 08-24-2008 08:20 PM

Perfect World International
Does anybody here besides me play Perfect World International? It's so much fun. Link:

Laifun 08-25-2008 08:40 AM

It's out already? I activated my CB key already but didn't realise it started xD

I just like the really cool graphics :D

Mobly 08-25-2008 09:08 AM

Like Dreamlords, I'm waiting for the U.S. published version.

I could play Perfect World and it does look very interesting, but I'll wait.

I debated it with Dreamlords, and even though technically I could play the one out now, I'll wait. And I think I'll skip the closed beta.

MikeyG 08-25-2008 09:17 AM

International was made specificaly for NA and europe mobly?
Uhm i play PW-MY and im waiting for OB for international!

Mobly 08-25-2008 01:04 PM


My bad. I thought I saw 2 different listings on I can't remember and am too lazy right now to go look. I'll take your word for it.

But does that mean PW is in Open Beta? I think that's partly where I goofed. I just consider Closed Beta as unavailable or not released yet.

Maybe I'll go look later, cuz I definitely want to give it a go.

DancingSimmer 08-25-2008 04:56 PM

The graphics are amazing, especially when you have a really good graphics card. I turn my graphics on max. and it almost looks real. It's really cool. Most importantly, it's a fun game to play and quite addicting.

MikeyG 08-26-2008 12:09 AM

Theres a few full versions released mobly, Including PW-malaysia and singapore.
PW international was just released and is in closed beta at the moment, it will release in open beta on september 2nd, thas when everyone will be able to ply it.

Mobly 08-26-2008 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by MikeyG (Post 217796)
Theres a few full versions released mobly, Including PW-malaysia and singapore.
PW international was just released and is in closed beta at the moment, it will release in open beta on september 2nd, thas when everyone will be able to ply it.

Cool that's not far off, then I don't have to wait long.

I'm also chomping at the bit for Aion:laugh:

MikeyG 08-26-2008 11:50 AM

LOL I waited for Aion for almost 2 years and it turns out the game SUCKS DICK

Mobly 08-26-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by MikeyG (Post 218125)
LOL I waited for Aion for almost 2 years and it turns out the game SUCKS DICK

That leaves me skeptical enough to just real quick load it up before the U.S. or whatever. Do you know anything about its release?

I thought the american publisher was on a bit behind the korean team, and the Korean team was like just in CB 2 or CB3????

I'm getting all my MMO news mixed up:nahnah:

If there's a korean version, that I could at least load up to see, I'll do it. Based on what you said, It'd be a waste to wait, and then DL and actually keep playing for any length of time to only discover that I hate it as well:cries:

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