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Lirange 03-27-2011 03:01 AM

Triumph, Andro
Is this computer worth it's money? And would it be able to play the latest games on highest settings at very high fps?
I actually have a steady income so I'll for sure be able to purchase a computer when I save up enough money. And at this price point, I should be able to buy it soon.

Triumph 03-27-2011 04:03 PM

I still advocate building your own. Your processor and graphics card are on the older and weaker side respectively, which are the most important components.

It all comes down to what you plan on doing with your desktop, and how much of an additional threshold you want. For example, if you wanted to build a desktop that runs Starcraft II on medium settings, then a Pentium E6700 and a 240 GT are sufficient.

Having helped multiple high school seniors/college freshmen build desktops, the only thing I can say is that you should try to predict your needs as accurately as possible. Overkill is always better, because even though you will spend more, that still leaves you more options later.

Lirange 03-27-2011 04:20 PM

The thing is, I know nothing about computer components. I dont know what's the difference between the 240 GT you listed and the and the GT 430 that's in that computer. You say that I should predict my needs, well isn't "gaming" a good enough need to build base of? If a computer can run the latest games, then it should be able to do all the other computer functions smoothly also right?

Hessah 03-27-2011 09:12 PM

If you're planning to be a graphics designer or an architect and those that requires a computer to render high quality pictures, then you might need an even more super computer than one that's built for gaming...

Maybe that's wat Triumph is referring to about predicting?

Andromeda 03-27-2011 11:33 PM

If you have computer issues direct them to Triumph Im not really paying much attention to this type of stuff anymore. He seems to have covered the stuff I wouldve said anyway.

Also rendering things like high quality pictures and videos puts far more demand on the computer than PC games do.

For example when you are rendering High Definition videos its pretty essential you have a fairly powerful graphics card and preferrably a quad core processor.

Triumph 03-28-2011 07:08 AM

Gaming could mean a lot, as it could mean specific genres of games, or specific game titles. For example, I threw together a desktop for college that will run at most Starcraft II, which isn't that computer intensive compared to other games. This desktop doesn't handle something like Call of Duty that well.

If you expect to run games all the way up to Crysis, then I would suggest different hardware than if you said games only up to Fiesta. You could always build the Crysis-capable system, but that would cost you more unnecessarily, defeating the whole purpose of a budget system.

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