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-Akira- 01-07-2012 04:52 PM

Newb Tanker - A Little Help?
So, I've been inspired to take on the challenge of learning How to Tank. I have a lvl 21 fighter that's full END, but I'm not sure what to do from here xD

I know CD empowerments on mock/kick are needed, but...well, my main is a 62 archer. I'm totally new to this "fighter" thing. Does anyone have suggestions/tips?

Thanks in advance :3

Loveless 01-10-2012 12:36 AM

The basics should still be more or less the same. If you have any questions let me know and I'll try to answer. I haven't played Fiesta for over 2 years so I'm probably rusty but tank roles are more or less the same in any game.

mightytwilight 02-02-2012 03:05 PM

I'm an experienced tanker. My tank is 65, i got +9 armor, +9 sns, +10 GOC axe. 15 SPR, 15 STR, 50 END. I wouldn't go past 50 END, then you can go DEX for evasion or SPR for magic defense. CD on mock, i rarely use snearing kick. DEVA is your best friend. fully upgrade everything but SP consumption. I upgrades Slice n Dice damage as well. As a gneral rule of thumb, use mock and snearing kick to regain agro. attack the boss, then as soon as you lose agro mock. using it when you have agro is pointless. Devastste right away and keep attacking. Most importantly know your limits when mobbing.

Any questions feel free to ask me on here on IG

I forget what my archer's name is haha

crystalblueheart 02-03-2012 04:47 AM

I'm also learning should carry around 2 weps, and if one of those is going to be an axe, then add dex to your build. That's all I can give you, as my fighter is only lvl 17 lol.

Wizardcool11 02-15-2012 10:32 PM

I'm pure end with end gear and enhanced shields. I have cd in all aggro and stun skills. Nuff said

urivor 05-19-2013 09:12 PM

The Tank is often seen as a protector, they are the type of player who will draw enemy attacks to themselves so the other members of the party can damage it. Basically the type of player who runs up to a monster and takes all the damage, as you can see this most often being done in parties or other such situations. Sounds simple, right??well, Wrong!

In parties you will need to be in control of the monsters heading towards you and your party members at all times. This may require spam the skills Mock and Snearing Kick to hold this aggro. This is because at higher levels Archers/Mages in your party will always be grabbing the aggro from what ever monster you trying to keep on you. Devastate is... well, its your best friend :D
max cd and duration make this also a useful tool to the tanker.

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