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Phantom Badger 09-22-2011 05:11 PM

Have women's equalities gone too far ?!
This video gave some food for thought, what do you think about women's 'equality,' more specifically; when they demand equality but then seem to 'opt out' of some responsibilities (An example I heard was paying at a restaurant)

I was just curious of your opinions

Yosei 09-22-2011 06:34 PM

At first I got the impression that Sharon Osbourne was just joking, but then when the one actress actually pointed out that if it was a woman who had her genitals and breasts cut off everyone would be outraged, she said "Yeah but that's different..." Um, not really lol.

I think sexism is much like racism. The people need to truly let go of the past and how things were once upon a time.

It's similar to a 20something year old using slavery and the black rights movement to justify what they feel is racism today. Same thing with women. We as a society feel guilty for the way we once were, so those who are of the demographic that was discriminated against has the convenience of pulling the ____card whenever something seems a little unfair to them and the person on top has a demographic opposite of their own.

I personally hate feminists. They're just all around extreme. To me feminist are the ones who are actively pushing for female equality like the government is trying to take away our right to vote. If you're up with encouraging girl power, thats fine. But there's a difference between supporting and fighting. I knew one in high school. Actually, she was one of those hipsters who fought for a bunch of demographics that she for the most part didn't lie in. She was VERY VERY liberal. She actually de-friended me on Facebook because I called her a hypocrite for bashing Christians for being so closed minded, yet she was giving Christians a closed-minded look herself.

Other similar videos:

More so meant to be humorous. But similar theme.

kklathan8613 09-25-2011 09:22 PM

Women's equality means different things to different people. Personally I think that the race/gender/disability card is a dead horse: its dead, everyone knows its dead, but most of us still love to beat it.

For example consider the following:
In construction, traditionally a male dominated profession, men and women are in most cases paid the same wage. But. In a 2006 study * I think it was California University * found some interesting trends:
In terms of # of rows of bricks laid per day, male masons complete on average 19% more then female masons.
In terms of lifting and carrying, males move an average amount of 35pds per load, females move an average of 17pds per load.
In terms of length of breaks, males on average took 1 less break per day and each break lasted an average of 6 minutes less then females.

There were other points, but these are the ones that stood out in my mind. And of course there are always exceptions, but this was the general trend. Now If I owned a construction company and was looking for workers, I would hire the best person for the job, which according to the numbers is, most of the time, a male. Gender be damned.

Hessah 09-25-2011 10:13 PM

Hmm I believe that the intention of women equality was for women to have the same rights and workplace status as men legally.

For other stuff that are not regulated, like social etiquette, it'll be hard to put into the same basket. Personally I feel that until you guys start having the babies for us, we'll never be equal on everything.

Ryan Higa isn't the most serious person but I think he has some point in this video..

And to answer your question in short.. I think some people has misuse the term "women equality" to justify their own action / believe.

Yosei 09-25-2011 11:22 PM

In my English class last year as one of our strategies for learning good argument formation and presentation, we discussed how women are statistically worse at math and science than men.

After the discussion our teacher gave us an article about women being statistically worse at said subjects, written by a woman. The woman in the article as well talks about her battle accepting it. She had always been told it was harder for women in her degree. She didn't believe it and wanted to prove them wrong and began to work her ass off to beat the top in her class. And yeah, she didn't achieve her goal. In the end, she came to terms with herself and accepted that yeah, women were statistically worse at math and science. It didn't mean she was bad at math or science, it just meant that there were less women who had made it in her major, and there were people who were better at it and they were likely men.

I'm fine with men being better at some stuff than women, and vice versa. We're built differently, physically and mentally and we both endure and pull off stuff the other gender couldn't imagine. But there are a few exceptions to the rules and I think like Hessah said, feminism is to protect those people.

Men aren't exempt to the social stigma and discrimination and humiliation for feminine jobs as well. Most of the time they're deemed homosexual or wimpy.

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