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noleprincess 12-31-2010 03:04 AM

Help Plz, with build
Hi everyone. I am new to the game and wanted to try my hand with an archer. I played WoW for a while and was very successful with my archer on that game but I think that I might have misplaced some stat points and would like some advice from some of you more experienced players. My archer is only a lvl 17 right now and I think she will get a stat reset at lvl 30? as a quest reward, since I don't have enough sc to buy that now, I am hoping that the points I need to move will hold off till then? (I guess that is my first question).

Here is my current build, any feedback on what should be changed when I get that reset and what I should focus on from here on out would be much appreciated (on a side note, I have read a lot of guides and such and they have been very helpful but needed some specific advice on what I have so far, how to correct it, and how to proceed further).

LvL 17 Stat Build (so far):

Str 42 (+4)
Dex 63 (+2)
End 32 (+7)
Int 22 (+3)
Spr 30 (+1)

Empowerment points have been put in Aimed shot: +5 to power, and Power Shot: +3 power (as that is all the points I have gotten so far and have read that is a good start for those).

Any help and advice is much appreciated and thank you in advance :)

YOJO 12-31-2010 03:10 AM

um the stats seem to be spread bery thin so i would advise to focus on 1 or 2 stats.

And int EWWW dont put any points on int as an archer you use str for damage not int (which is for magic attacks)

Hessah 12-31-2010 04:20 AM

Yeah remove stats in INT.. and probably END as well, as archers don't have shields, we can't untilize the block rate from END. For extra defence, get END gear.

Now you can either do
- 25 SPR (for crit rate) and rest STR, or
- 25 SPR, 33 Dex, and rest STR if you want extra hybrid..

Skill wise, that's wat I've done too, but after that, save up your skill points for your lvl 51 skill (Nature's Mist), which is an AOE poison which can be casted while running.. I've put 15 points in this skill.. very useful..

Wizardcool11 12-31-2010 04:26 AM

If I were a lev 120 ranger, I would be


noleprincess 12-31-2010 05:15 AM

Thank you all so much. I have taken out the INT and SPR (SPR, only because it was 1 point and already at 30), and put them in STR. We shall see how it works from here (or did you mean put 25 points into SPR? I am sorry for such dumb questions, I just want to get this right).

Nevermind, I just answered my own question I think lol

Hessah 12-31-2010 07:08 AM

Yeah if you want some crit, put 25 into SPR and it'll sum it up to 5% crit.. so it's either 25 or nothing..

the reason we put 25 is that for the first 25 SPR points, you get 0.2% crit bonus, but after 25, its only 0.1% so it's not as effective anymore.

And SPR in gear doesn't give you the crit points.

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