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Hessah 08-29-2008 05:05 AM

Someone take this headache away from me...
I've got a slight headache.. but work's making it worst..

i've got 3 task to do...

Boss: Priority 1 is to send out all the invoices so we get the money sooner..

Me: Sure.

Boss: But this one we need to wait.... that one we need to wait.. this one we dunno about...

Me: @_@

-brain explodes-

Loveless 08-29-2008 05:08 AM

Go look at pretty colours... it soothes the brain. Like pastel green and purple...

... Baby Barney? o_O

Hessah 08-29-2008 05:13 AM

really?! i didnt know that...

-google image baby barney-

Loveless 08-29-2008 05:25 AM

Nuuu don't look for baney LMAO!

I meant soft colours ease your headaches... preferably non-computerized images cause lights will probably hurt your brain more. Or look outside... if you have greenery that usually helps.

If all else fails, Tylenol.

Hessah 08-29-2008 05:28 AM

i've got a harbour view.. but i think the sun is hurting my eyes....

ah ok.. figured... computer images isnt suppose to help..........

i couldnt hack it.. so i took a panadol... hope it kicks in soon!!

Blaaaaaaaah 08-29-2008 05:55 AM

You're supposed to look at GREEN because something about it passing through to your eye directly or something... so green is supposed to relax you more (learnt from the last drawing class.. where the teacher had a 1.5 hour lecture on WHAT IS COLOUR! T_T").

But yeah. FF is green. Yush. You should FF more.

Hessah 08-29-2008 06:03 AM

-stares at kt's tags-

Pangya 08-29-2008 06:05 AM

I should really think about learning what colour is. ㅅ.ㅅ

*lends Hessah some luck*

that should get you through the day-

Hessah 08-29-2008 06:14 AM

*O* so generous of you.. thank you...

(i only need it for about an hr.. until its time to go home.. and i'll return it :laugh:)

Loveless 08-29-2008 06:17 AM

Maybe cause rods are on the outskirts of your eyes and are sensitive to greens and blues... so the cones that are concentrated in the middle aren't stressed out? o_O Yes, colour theory sucked...

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