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Kakko 12-21-2010 04:05 AM

Tolkki's Story I
Ok I don't have a pic of my really low levels, so we start at 18:
Tolkki (Apoline) is a cleric :angel:
Got lucky at enhancement, and had a +5 Club and a +6 Shield. :laugh:
Here we can see him fighting with a Kebing, maybe he died, maybe he didn't...

After reaching Lv. 20, the great moment came... The Job Change Quest! Scrolled and Buffed, Tolkki did the Quest at the first try (like 99% of the players :uhoh:)

Finally, he got the title, and upgraded his first +9!

Here we can see his Shield & Hammer :love:

He did lots of KQs, here is his first success at Gold Hill :nahnah:
In this KQ, a guy offered him 3g for his hammer and shield, Tolkki accepted, and enhanced another hammer to +8, and got a +6 shield for 25s... he used enhancement stones that he had from his +9...

After lots of quests, KQs, and training, his Experience grew, oh this moment!

After reaching Level 30, he got a +9 hammer, for 4g... and still uses it!

Here we see him in his first Robo Quest, the team Succeeded in that ocasion :)

After saving some money, he got the full Mental Set! (+0) and used it as soon as he reached Level 35...

Oh and of course, he did the Merchant Kenton's Quest and got the Wind-Up Key!

Now he is Level 38, and soon he will be...

...40! :err:

Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry if you didn't like it, the only purpose of this is to contribute something to the community. Since I'm new, I'm probably violating a rule (I always do when I'm new at forums lol) so sorry if I am and let me know it please!

Anyway, I hope I'm not and that you enjoyed Tolkki's story! :laugh:

crystalblueheart 12-21-2010 04:10 AM

I liked's nice to see your accomplishments ^_^ welcome to Fiesta Fan.

Kakko 12-21-2010 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by crystalblueheart (Post 431613)
I liked's nice to see your accomplishments ^_^ welcome to Fiesta Fan.

Thank you very much! I really liked this forum and also the member's help!

Wizardcool11 12-22-2010 05:20 AM

Omfg how are u so rich?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I am lev 59 and I still dont have that much...

crystalblueheart 12-22-2010 05:33 AM

@ Wizardcool11Yeah ikr. I just went broke from buying t2 elrue and lix. YES I SAID T2 -.-
@Kakko You're welcome :) And message me if you have a new story to share! :D

Wizardcool11 12-22-2010 06:07 AM

Crystal, just spent 150 bucks on sc and got my hammer and shield lvl 50 to +9... I can sell them to u at a real discount... Lvl 59 now, ignore wats under my name...

FiestaFan93 12-25-2010 12:59 PM

nice. good luck :)

Wizardcool11 12-26-2010 01:44 AM

Thanks very much... I love my first char too much to delete it

crystalblueheart 12-30-2010 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Wizardcool11 (Post 431711)
Crystal, just spent 150 bucks on sc and got my hammer and shield lvl 50 to +9... I can sell them to u at a real discount... Lvl 59 now, ignore wats under my name...

:O $150!!!! I just saw that post lol. I only have 300something silver on my cleric...haha I can't exactly buy them >.< I still need to gain 9 more levels before level 50...I have no clue how you level so fast !! But I can always keep them until I get there..if I ever do lol

Wizardcool11 12-30-2010 10:09 AM

lol, I restarted after a years break, and I restarted at 46, got a head start from u... then I spam repeat quests, then I followed hessah's 50-9 guide, I never grinded lol... and it's cuz I am pro... hessah, kaini, blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, krowley, and everyone else in fiesta fan pls dun flamez me lol...

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