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deadlykittens 04-11-2012 01:23 PM

hybrid fighter
i made a fighter as my second character after my archer, the archer failed hard cuz i was noob. :cries:
well, 5 months playing now and my fighter is lvl 50, almost 51 and i have many other characters (cypeon) my build is
5 spr
20 end
30 str
i am really wondering if this is a good build too go with or should i restart my acc. going rest str and i use 1h. (not a tank)
can i get some help please Dx

MasterJimmy84 06-13-2012 05:24 AM

My fighter is lvl 92 and I use both a s/s and a axe depending on what I am fighting.My build is 50 str 50 end 7spr atm and when I hit 100 it will be 50 str 50 end 25 spr but dont go over 25 spr or 50 end because u will stop getting stat bonuses past 25 spr and 50 end.

MikeyG 06-13-2012 05:33 AM

Spr and strength with an axe, or dex. Acquire end from gears.

MasterJimmy84 06-13-2012 05:47 AM

well I have end in my build and on my gears and on my weapons and it adds up

adityac3688 06-17-2012 12:26 PM

Spr and strength with an axe or dex. Acquire end from gears, thats the easiest way i do stuff

MikeyG 12-11-2012 05:03 AM


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