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Vasu 05-19-2016 01:51 PM

ez gaem

Idk guys, I'm bored. Waiting on the delivery of a new laptop so I can play games at a decent setting. What are you guys up to?

Pritcher 05-22-2016 07:14 AM

Working 70 hours a week and trying to cope with near debilitating alcoholism....

This looks interesting too though.

Ralath 05-24-2016 06:48 AM

I'm more surprised there were other players o_O

Vasu 05-25-2016 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pritcher (Post 478762)
Working 70 hours a week and trying to cope with near debilitating alcoholism....

This looks interesting too though.

Ouch, hang in there.


Originally Posted by Ralath (Post 478765)
I'm more surprised there were other players o_O

I think the tournament itself was created years ago, and slowly accumulated players, I just happened to be the last one in.

Yosei 05-29-2016 01:39 AM

I'm trying to get a job 8D got a job interview Tuesday, and I am 3/4 employed for another job. Money is running low, trying not to panic.

Pritcher 09-08-2016 10:25 PM

UPDATE: For the record, I'm down to a near normal 40 to 50 hours a week with a hefty pay raise and a few poor subordinates that never knew what hit em...

And on an even more personal note, because why not I don't actually know you people so who cares right?

I am actively working on the other thing... I have been drinking sometimes more and sometimes less these days. I'm not dry all and sadly I am acutally more productive when I have a few drinks. I'm what they call a high functioning alcoholic and I think that's the best I can do for now.

A_Forever 09-09-2016 05:57 PM

Brother just passed his maybe two year old system on over to me because he built himself a newer and better one. I can now play pretty much whatever I want with how good the system is he handed over.

Other than that, I'm currently struggling money-wise. I'm two weeks into school and still not able to get a book because I have been waiting on my financial aid. I've been pretty down between everything.. I don't like that people made me look forward to my 20s. 3rd year in and I'm still not seeing the "greatest time of my life."

I guess we're all just suppose to be thankful we are alive and (hopefully) have people in our lives who care? jkahsjdkhasjdh

a.L 09-10-2016 02:37 AM

In my 6-ish years of university, I've bought a total of... one textbook lol

A_Forever 09-11-2016 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by a.L (Post 478857)
In my 6-ish years of university, I've bought a total of... one textbook lol

You are very fortunate.

Yosei 09-14-2016 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by a.L (Post 478857)
In my 6-ish years of university, I've bought a total of... one textbook lol

Lucky bastard.

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