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Synelia 07-15-2007 03:48 AM

How do you fight?
I know this seems random but people have different ways of fighting and lvling. And I thought it might benefit some newbie archers to know what ways work the I know there isn't a lot of ways but put it down :o!

I use all my skills first. I tend to use my status skills first so they are bleeding or are poison as they run to me. I stand my ground and if it's a hard kill I use my skills when the cooldown is done, but I only usually use all my skills at the beginning and thats it. I don't use Multi-shot though since I see no use in that skill besides pking or something >.>

chinhchinh 07-15-2007 03:56 AM

I use that skill ... The one with longest cast time first, then the purple icon skill, followed by the status skills. This way I save time I guess, and only waste about 2 seconds of status damage.

Blaaaaaaaah 07-15-2007 04:15 AM

I also spam my skills on monsters, and make sure they are far away from me first. Sometimes I would run further away before I start to attack them. I quite like the range we get shoot in.

Synelia 07-15-2007 05:37 AM

yeah we get a long rage from the monsters, i think i'm use to it because I can pretty much figure out where I should stand from a monster, but I ted to run farther back so i get max distance.

Skeith 07-15-2007 05:38 AM

When i fight monsters i first use the Curse, poison and bone shot then the power shot and fury impact and i just stand and wait for the monster to come. I also have 20 of each scroll like Agi,Vit,Aim,Def,Ment,and travel speed just for added safety! But when were just questing with my party Me, Claude and lild, i use multi shot and random skill which is available again!

Synelia 07-15-2007 05:40 AM

eww multi-shot sucks... >.> you are almost asking for another monster to attack you!

Skeith 07-15-2007 05:42 AM

Multi shot! I just use it when our cleric cast Dmg. Absrp. on me! I usually use it when were in a rush and i can kill the monsters pretty fast! lol

Synelia 07-15-2007 05:43 AM

multi-shot is very useless unless a cleric is using invinc on you, otherwise you're dead meat

Skeith 07-15-2007 05:49 AM

Well it's kinda useless but a sometimes use it when fighting some monster for extra damage! and i always use in KQ! and im sure it will be in use in GW! lol

Synelia 07-15-2007 05:51 AM

the only time i seriously used it was in GW nowhere else XD

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