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Zukiz 04-24-2008 10:36 PM

Petition: Falcomist's ban
For those who would like to post in this thread, I do ask that there should be no flames towards any of the guilds, or the banned players.

Yes, I did read the other thread and that Falcomist wanted the thread closed. But as of now, his submited ticket was declined, and I have heard that his account is still under investigation. As of right now, this is the only way I could think of that would help him.

Here is what really happened. [Yes, I fail in taking screenshots, you can say I have no "proof", but the truth is the truth, I have no reason to lie. There were people at the scene of the war, if you'd like, you can ask them. Existance being one that wasn't involved in the war or any of it.]

Vendetta warred Might_Army. Reason being an incident that happened in Abyss. In the Dungeon of Abyss, a few guildmates were attacked while grinding. They asked, "Why did you attack us?", the answer was, "Because we can for a room." During this attack, one of our guildmates lost experience, and scrolls, which isn't that big of a deal I guess, as both of these can be gained back, but it was the immaturity of the guild that caused anger and later, a war. As some of you may know, if you are killed by a player, you do not lose experience, but if you are killed by a monster (the monster taking the last hit), which is the case here, you do lose experience. Although there is no rules in Abyss, or any of the battlefields, I do believe that it is common courtesy to go by "first come, first serve", unless you're party can't take the whole room, which our guildmate's party did. (Atleast, this is the generation I grew up in.) Do you honestly kill another party just because you have more people in you're party, along with no monsters attacking you, JUST to get a room to grind in? This is basically the same as warring for a grind spot. (Yes, they did try a few times to get the room back, but was repeatedly killed, eventually, they gave up and logged off.) Many of our guildmates were angry hearing that they were killed for a grinding spot in Abyss, and so was Uchiha_Itachi and Falcomist. Later during the night, we warred. Mighty_Army ran off towards Forest of Mist, and Vendetta members couldn't attack. Mighty_Army never asked for the war to stop in any case, and started calling names towards Vendetta. This also includes speaking in a different language (Spanish) at the same time in normal chat, when they could have spoken in guild chat. So being people who don't speak/understand Spanish, we took it as insults. Falcomist and Uchiha_Itachi being at the scene saw this, and knowing what happened to a good friend (our guildmates who were attacked for a grind spot), they got upset, and said things that were out of the line. With this, I have heard that Mighty_Army was jailed, and Falcomist and Uchiha_Itachi were permanently banned without any warning. I have seen some of the Might_Army members roaming around freely without any punishment (or maybe a day in jail) despite saying things as well. Yes, both sides, Mighty_Army and Vendetta, along with their friends Falcomist and Uchiha_Itachi were all at fault for getting into an argument.

In the screenshots shown by Elcuau:

None of these screenshots show racist comments in any way that should result in a permanent ban. In wars, trash talks are common. Especially if theres a huge gap between the losing side and the winning side. If there is an argument, theres faults on both sides. Not just one. If one side gets permanently banned with no warning, and the other gets jailed or even no punishment, both trash talking, I find it rather unfair, but I guess this isn't just my view, its about everyone's view.

Having this said, is it really fair to Falcomist to be permanently banned, with no warning, for defending friends? Is it fair how one side gets jailed, and the other gets permanently banned?

With this in mind, I'd like to start petition for Falcomist to be unbanned. Or even to have a lesser punishment as I believe a permanent ban is too severe.

I thank you for reading this long post. And taking the time to vote.~

If you do choose to vote, could you please put your reasons as to why you voted this. This would also help the petition as I accidentally chose anonymous... >.<

Zwivix 04-24-2008 10:38 PM

Edit: Yes i miss read poll

Zukiz 04-24-2008 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zwivix (Post 132344)
*signed yes*
Fiesta suffered a great loss when he was banned. We need him back he needs another chance. Defending one's friends is not something to be banned about.

Eek. Yes was for him to be permanenly banned. >.<

Ivramire 04-24-2008 10:43 PM

uhh, I think you misread the poll Zwiv.

Zwivix 04-24-2008 10:44 PM

Yeah i did....Hmm nvm opposite.

fullback 04-24-2008 10:45 PM

Would you like me to change yours zwivix?

Zwivix 04-24-2008 10:45 PM

Yes pls ^^ thx

fullback 04-24-2008 10:46 PM

K done

O-mie 04-24-2008 10:49 PM

Well, after reading through your post, one thing I have to say to you:

Indentation please. XD Walls of text are horrible to read.

Anyways, well...While its nice that players exhibit politeness in battlegrounds, the whole purpose of battlegrounds is that they are made for PK, so when you go in there, that's the risk you take.

Is it right for a party bigger than yours to take the room from you that you've been in?

Yes. They have every right to try and take it, because essentially, if battlegrounds was meant for everybody to be full of sunshine and flowers, it would not be available to PK in it. The heightened experience and drop rates + PK are to promote player competition. If you can't deal with others attacking you for your spot, then you shouldn't be in abyss in the first place.

Now, about falco and uchi being banned -

I personally don't think racist remarks should have been said, and I think that they deserve a punisment for them, but i do believe that perma-banning is a little more than necessary, especially when others have done worse and have not even been reprimanded at all for it. Maybe a couple weeks to a month of being banned, but permanent is overkill.

+Tequila+ 04-24-2008 11:02 PM

I really hope a petition would change things since banning Falco for racism was wrong as he didn't make any racist comments. I don't think however it will because I dont think Outspark will own up to its mistake. If it does start just let me know where to sign however :D.

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