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aazilys 08-14-2011 05:00 PM

Hard Choice
Hi everyone,

First of all, i'm sorry for my english because i'm french and i can make mistakes :angel:

Secondly, i'm also sorry because i read some subjects about it but... i have more questions about the choice between HK and Guardian...

I'm lvl 98 on Cypian (french serveur, max lvl 105) and my choice turns to the HK. I'm playing with a mage so some friends advice me to choose HK for critical hits, it this seems very useful and I don't want to be useless :nahnah: But they advice me HK because above all the bug of the guardian about the endurance has been fixed (on our french serveur Guardians had access to that power) and because we have a new power of resurrection that is faster than the older, so most of them are angry.

But my problem is here : when the new version will come with the laboratory on Cypian, when lives of warriors mages etc will continually increase, will the HK have a problem for healer?
When HP will be too important, will it become a handicap for HK because their powers don't improve ?

I add that i like heal mostly in KQ xD Like I said before i play with a mage (my dear husband ^^) so I would like to be really usefull and complementary for him ;)

I Hope you understand what I mean >.<"

Thanks for answers and good game ;)

Wizardcool11 10-15-2011 05:23 PM

i dun have any answers cuz im too noob, sry but im lvl 60 and just wanted to know the best way to 100... tks...

P.S. Je ne parle pas francais

Pillow 10-29-2011 01:42 AM

If you stuck choosing between guard and holyknight here are a few questions u should ask.

-Can you set change for example changing to a levan set to make up for your heal being weaker than the Guards (if you go hk).

-Do you raid ? If yes go HK if not much guard.

-Do you duo with a mage or archer o.o if a mage HK if archer guard :3

overall, i feel holyknights are better because that crit buff is op as.......if u can set change alot.....and keep up with it all a hk can heal just as well as a guard a guardian will come into play when fighters have like 20hp but imho hk is a better choice >.<

i prefer grinding with a hk because even though a guard heals more i kill the mobs in two aoe with a hk opposed to 4~6....... a guard....well ._. only heals.....a hk can do alot more.

Wizardcool11 10-30-2011 07:20 AM

well, i have NO sc or enhanced gears or blues (other than the one crystalblueheart so kindly gave me) so im a party animal... and i find that healing and supporting is more fun for cleric cuz if you were looking for epic dps then you should go trix...

adityac3688 06-17-2012 11:05 AM

Are you known for your healing and gr8 medic skills like Elderine then choose Guardian

Are you good as good at tanking, fighting whatever as Roumen? Then choose Hk.

Aint I cool with rhetorical questions :D

But I am aiming for Guardian since I am a gr8 Party Cleric and a party bummer at attacking and al that. Darn lvl 94, Breaks all my dreams appart. I might as well go to Malephar or Helga kiss their butts and ask them how did they get such a high lvl (I didn't forget karen, Its just that i hate thorn cave)

adityac3688 06-17-2012 12:23 PM

I prefer guardian always :D

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