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Luckee 05-30-2009 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Bob_Biscuit (Post 786871)
Alright, I'm kind of tired of seeing rant threads pop up, yes I realize this is hypocritical, so here's one thread for people to put all their rants. Blow off some steam while you're here if you'd like, just remember some basic rules.

1. Do not name people in-game that have done this, that, or whatever. That is blacklisting, and though I do not know the consequences, I know that you're not supposed to do it.
2. Please be respectful, and realize that when people are angry, IQ tends to drop. It's happened to so many people I've seen through the years, so I've come to accept it as a part of being human.
3. Please try to remember that this is for clerics and cleric problems to be ranted about, so don't come in here talking about how hard it is to ____ on your ____ and how clerics have it so easy, blah, blah, blah... Even if it is in response to someone else's rant.
4. Everything else is fair game, as far as I'm concerned.

I realize that most people will probably pass this by and make their own threads instead of posting their rants here, and so this will fall into the realm for necroposters, but just the same, I'll hope for the best.

This was originally in the Outspark forums, and I couldn't find it here. I thought I would bring it over since I have some steam to blow! :cutielove:

Guess I shall start.
'buff plz.' God how I hate those words. Scratch that, one and a half words. I am barely a level 26 Cleric and I already get bugged for buffs. I usually ignore the 'buff plz.' If I'm lucky, they will spam me with whispers! Wee! I simply reply, in a full sentence: "I am sorry, I am not that high level and do not have any buffs to give you." ...
'buff plz'
WHAT THE HELL? Seriously? Are people that thick headed? I miss the times when no meant no and people had no clue what 'u' or 'y' meant. And oh, how I love to get a 'heal me'.
That isn't asking. It is demanding. Adding a question mark would have been asking. But no, he demanded. So I run off, ignoring him. Then he actually takes time out of his busy grind schedule to follow me. Oh how I wish to castrate him. I heal him and he runs away. I guess that wasn't too hard. Well, here I go to do my quests. Lalala. Oh look, a party invite from him. Refuse. Back to quests. Lalala. Oh look, another. Refuse. Another. Refuse. Another. REFUSE DAMNIT. Then I whisper not so nice words to him. Why is it that now days, people can't feel safe by themselves? What did people do before Clerics even came along? THEY USED THERE OWN MEANS OF SURVIVAL. I have played a game where there was no healer or pots you could buy. Wanna know how many times I died? Ten at most. Not that shocking? I was a level 50 mage. Mages are squishy. Now be shocked. You do not, I repeat, do NOT need Clerics to live. Sure, we help, but do not rely on us!!! It isn't smart to annoy us either. Every Cleric you piss off is one heal or buff you won't get in the future. Sucks to be you.

Now, lets move on to KQs. Remember, I am only 26. I would LOVE to hear some of the higher level Clerics rant.

KQs. Kingdom Quests. I like them. Small group to work with, nice EXP and drops. But the idiots. Oh the idiots. It is hard work being a Cleric in a KQ. I mean, everyone is running ahead, some are staying back. It is hard to heal everyone. I only heal my party. Screw everyone else. My main priority is me and my party. They are the ones getting EXP for me, not everyone else. Usually, I am the only Cleric involved in a KQ, So I frequently get 'HEAL' or 'CLERIC HEAL MEH.' I don't unless they are in my party. Sorry. Oh well. Then they die. Of course, I revive them. I won't just let them sit there. We do need to finish, after all. I revive them. And what do I get? "dum nub cleric lern 2 heel"

. . . :urweird:


ThievingSix 05-30-2009 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Luckee (Post 342848)
Guess I shall start.
'buff plz.' God how I hate those words. Scratch that, one and a half words. I am barely a level 26 Cleric and I already get bugged for buffs. I usually ignore the 'buff plz.' If I'm lucky, they will spam me with whispers! Wee! I simply reply, in a full sentence: "I am sorry, I am not that high level and do not have any buffs to give you." ...
'buff plz'
WHAT THE HELL? Seriously? Are people that thick headed? I miss the times when no meant no and people had no clue what 'u' or 'y' meant. And oh, how I love to get a 'heal me'.
That isn't asking. It is demanding. Adding a question mark would have been asking. But no, he demanded. So I run off, ignoring him. Then he actually takes time out of his busy grind schedule to follow me. Oh how I wish to castrate him. I heal him and he runs away. I guess that wasn't too hard. Well, here I go to do my quests. Lalala. Oh look, a party invite from him. Refuse. Back to quests. Lalala. Oh look, another. Refuse. Another. Refuse. Another. REFUSE DAMNIT. Then I whisper not so nice words to him. Why is it that now days, people can't feel safe by themselves? What did people do before Clerics even came along? THEY USED THERE OWN MEANS OF SURVIVAL. I have played a game where there was no healer or pots you could buy. Wanna know how many times I died? Ten at most. Not that shocking? I was a level 50 mage. Mages are squishy. Now be shocked. You do not, I repeat, do NOT need Clerics to live. Sure, we help, but do not rely on us!!! It isn't smart to annoy us either. Every Cleric you piss off is one heal or buff you won't get in the future. Sucks to be you.

Now, lets move on to KQs. Remember, I am only 26. I would LOVE to hear some of the higher level Clerics rant.

KQs. Kingdom Quests. I like them. Small group to work with, nice EXP and drops. But the idiots. Oh the idiots. It is hard work being a Cleric in a KQ. I mean, everyone is running ahead, some are staying back. It is hard to heal everyone. I only heal my party. Screw everyone else. My main priority is me and my party. They are the ones getting EXP for me, not everyone else. Usually, I am the only Cleric involved in a KQ, So I frequently get 'HEAL' or 'CLERIC HEAL MEH.' I don't unless they are in my party. Sorry. Oh well. Then they die. Of course, I revive them. I won't just let them sit there. We do need to finish, after all. I revive them. And what do I get? "dum nub cleric lern 2 heel"

. . . :urweird:


That sums just about everything quite nicely. lol

Hessah 05-30-2009 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Luckee (Post 342848)
Guess I shall start.
'buff plz.' God how I hate those words. Scratch that, one and a half words. I am barely a level 26 Cleric and I already get bugged for buffs. I usually ignore the 'buff plz.' If I'm lucky, they will spam me with whispers! Wee! I simply reply, in a full sentence: "I am sorry, I am not that high level and do not have any buffs to give you." ...
'buff plz'
WHAT THE HELL? Seriously? Are people that thick headed?

You know what.. I don't think it's "thick in the head".. more like.. too dumb to understand what full sentences are... Next time try "can't" and often they just go away XD

And yes.. KQ... Just yesterday some archer is trying to teach me how to heal... I had two people taking hits, so I heal --> rejuv --> heal... keeping them both alive...

And he said to me "You should heal before you rejuv" HEY DUDE This is how the skills work.. Heal --> rejuv --> heal, just because you didn't see how i casted ALL my skills coz i'm too fast for you doesn't mean I'm not doing it right..

And the most important thing of all is.. YOU'RE STILL ALIVE BECAUSE OF ME

But if you don't think I can do a good enough job then.. fine..

I quit their party and went with a tank instead. SUCK THAT!

Silent Wizard 06-01-2009 05:55 PM

"cleric's are boring to play"

lol how I laugh at that one!

I like the plp that come up to me and just say "buff"

I respond with "no thanks, I have one."

I enjoy making buff runs through FOM and SOG and the other areas where you are unlikely to find post buff clerics but I aviod going by shultan in eldy because I get spammed with "buff plz" there.

There are many that make respectful requests, some that will make a respectful request when you explain how, and there are the others.

Hessah 06-01-2009 11:56 PM

I was on my hobby in Uruga... riding (slowly =.=) to TR... and some girl followed me on her hobby saying "buff plz"

HELL NO I'm not gonna get off my hobby for you... It's slow enough as it is!

If I was on a cash shop mount I would probably get off for them...

PlatnumLitening 06-02-2009 01:48 AM

wow. you guys all pretty much summed it up.

last week i was in MD kq. i was healing the crap outta my party, as they were 4 fighters who all thought they should tank. then this other fighter from a different party called me a leecher! i have NEVER leeched a KQ in my life. i said "i didn't know healing people was leeching..." then i just ignored him then continued healing my party, while he went on about how i wasnt doing anything...

then MD jumped. he died. he asked me for a rev...

i said "sorry, im too busy leeching."


also, another thing i hate... a lil nub came up to me in roumen and goes "HEAL" i said... "you can use a hp stone" ... she stands there for a minute then goes "hmmm what a cleric." and ran off. ....i definitely whispered her and gave her a piece of my mind. why should i waste my sp so she doesnt have to waste a stone?

as far as buffing goes... ive started doing this:

"buff" = no buff
"buff plz" (unless in kq, where im more lenient) = buff and no heal (unless im in a bad mood. then i treat it as "buff")
"buff please" = buff and heal
"may i please have a buff?" = buff, immune, and heal

;o think that's about all i got for now o.o

Zwivix 06-02-2009 01:43 PM

Off topic: Shouldnt this be in All The Rage?

Silent Wizard 06-02-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Zwivix (Post 344070)
Off topic: Shouldnt this be in All The Rage?

It is an issue clerics must deal with, I think this is the right place for it.

Blaaaaaaaah 06-02-2009 03:58 PM

Either place is fine.

KittyZephy 06-02-2009 04:48 PM

OMG this thread makes me happy! I thought i was the only one <.<

FREAKING MARA KQ. Someone always goes EVERYONE RUN!!!! and im like NO NO!!!!! They ofcourse all run. By the time we got to the fakes, we were down to 10 people. A mage insists on using that mob skill and keeps running up to mara and dying, after the 5th one i gave up on rezing him, what for eh? HE wasnt much help to anyone. I love when people take like 2 damage then stand there saying HEAL OMG HEAL. Naturally i stand there like ._. and focus on healing the not so stupid people... After the fakes now someone ELSE goes EVERYONE RUN!!!! When we get to the boat we're down to 6 people :D And no tanks left mind you, because they ran ahead of me while i was trying to stay alive spamming pots/stones/and heals with an army of Clan Fighters wailing on me.
Then THEN we draw a fake, we meaning the moronic archers i'm left with and one other cleric. I have to draw aggro and run off the boat with it in an effort to try and save time because they dont seem to understand OMG LURE IT OFF AND I'LL REZ YOU!!! ANYWAY in the end it's me and the other cleric tanking because people are stupid and Clerics seem to be the only people with sense in KQs. We failed of course but atleast we got mara and nearly killed marlone, stupid timer ne?

-breathes- oh i feel so much better...

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