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UserName 09-09-2008 03:03 AM

What Scares You More Then Death.
Death is a horrible thing when i think about it.
Especially when you lose someone close to you.
Death just scares me, but there other things scarier then death to me. I was wondering what things scare you more then death? What things you would rather die if it came to you? Is it becoming disabled, losing someone, having to never play fiesta? I always wondered that about other people. I'll list the stuff for me.

Losing an arm or leg and not being able to get a fake one.
Becoming Blind or Death.
Going to jail, for a long long time.

I swore there was more but yea those are the stuff for me. I would rather die then have those happen to me.
How about you guys?

Hazu 09-09-2008 03:19 AM

I would have to say... it doesnt exactly scare me but.. I'd prefer death over never meeting someone I want to spend the rest of my life with (lol corney... D: ) even if I died after knowing the person I'd be happy.

But besides that...
Being blind and/or death...
Doing something to hurt somone or mess up their life
Family member/loved one dieing

o.o; rawr

UserName 09-09-2008 03:23 AM

I wouldnt mind being single for the rest of my life.
Even though i want to get married and have eight kids just like jon and kate.

And yea i hate it when other people die but that is something i could cope with and deal with. I'll just be depressed for like a week and i'll start getting better. Already lost a best friend and visiting her body. wow..... the moment i saw her body i froze, literally. I couldn't move. Tears just filled my eyes and go down my cheeks. It took me while before i could go up closer to her.

Ivramire 09-09-2008 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by lvramire (Post 225519)
Making a choice that I'll regret later in life and can do nothing about.

Marriage/Education/Work etc.

EDIT: Guess this is where I meant to put it.


Carmasa 09-09-2008 04:57 AM

I don't fear death, I fear dying.

Yosei 09-09-2008 05:07 AM

I don't fear death, I fear all of the things in life that I would miss.

I guess going blind would devastate me. All of my talents require vision, so if I were to go blind, I'd be pretty screwed.

Sero 09-09-2008 05:33 AM

I fear losing something/some things/people that are really significant to me.

Oh, I fear pain too =\

Hraesvelg 09-09-2008 05:55 AM

I don't fear death. Its a bummer and I want it to happen a long, long time from now, but I'm not afraid of it. I do have a few worries in life, one of which is developing some sort of diminished thinking capacity, like Alzheimer's or some sort of brain injury. I imagine if I developed the condition and didn't REALIZE I had it, it wouldn't be so bad on me, but it really worries me that I might know that I was in a diminished capacity in a Flowers for Algernon sort of way.

Loveless 09-09-2008 07:29 AM

Not being able to have been the best I could've been. Death isn't scary, it's just a natural course of life. I find life scarier...

UserName 09-09-2008 12:47 PM

Its the opposite for me, i scare death more then life.
And yea going blind or death would take all the enjoyment out of life. Being mute is sucks to but i can live without it.

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