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FaerieDoragon 02-28-2018 09:13 PM

Are Codes of Conduct bad?

I suppose most people have never heard about FreeBSD, a UNIX operating system, but truth be told, such technical details don't matter. What concerns me is an issue that occurred a few weeks ago: to make it short, the Core team (the people in charge of keeping the project in order and stable) decided it was a good idea to ban virtual hugging because it was a form of harassment, going as far as using terms like systemic oppression. What the actual fuck?

The Code of Conduct they made was actually based off Geek Feminism Wiki. While I have my personal opinions on this whole feminism thing (at least, the radical extreme of the movement), I don't believe they're relevant to the topic. What I want to know is your opinion on this kind of stuff. It's obvious the team is trying to enforce their political ideologies on the entire project under the facade of [I]inclusiveness/I]. To me, this is utterly irrelevant on a project of technical nature, and most importantly, completely unnecessary when you take into account the fact that it literally brings no benefit to the workflow (and most importantly, that it wasn't exactly in a bad state before the new CoC was implemented).

So, what is your opinion (or reaction) on this issue? As I said, I don't think you need to be involved with the project, much less have technical knowledge about this kind of stuff. If you want to hear more about the story, you can either take a look at r/FreeBSD or watch the video Lunduke made about this mess:

Honestly, it's so ridiculous it's unreal. I find it quite funny to be honest.

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