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ZynneTeva 08-29-2008 08:45 PM

[Teva] Enhancing +9 items!
If you are paranoid about getting scammed, stop reading now!

My service requires you trusting me, and for me to trust you as you will soon see! If you cant trust people, dont read any further!




I am offering my +9ing service on Teva! If you have a weapon that you would like to enchant to +9 I can do that for you with 0 risk to your item being destroyed and using the least amount of materials by avoiding item degradation!

Who its for:

People who dont have access to Spark Cash and wish their item(s) to be enhanced to +9 level. If you can buy Spark Cash, you may as well do it yourself and save you silver/gold.

How it works:

YOU provide the item and the materials!
I provide the cash items required to ensure success!


I DO NOT enhance for people less than level 20. I cannot trust them to pay and I dont want to be stuck with anymore level 0 +9 axes (-.-)

If you are not level 20+ get a high level to vouch for you. Simply put, less than a level 20 will not be able to afford my prices on the average.

I may require you to show the silver/gold in trade before I start.

The trade process:

-We agree on a price for the enhancement.
-You hand over the item as well as the materials.
(In the event that you did not prove enough materials you must purchase more. I will not be responsible for providing extra mats.It is a good idea to give me AT LEAST 20 Xir for 6-9. If you give me less, you may have to go shopping in the middle of our enchantment process.)
-I enchant the item from its existing condition to +9.
-I return all unused mats back to you as well as your item in return for the enhancement price agreed upon.

Recommended amount of items to provide:

-5-7 Elrue
-10-15 Lix
-20-30 Xir

Now, remember that this is only a recommendation. Sometimes it can take more tries than this!


Item level 1 = 500s
Item level 2 = 1g
Item level 3 = 3g (I currently cannot do item level 3 enhancements. I must reach level 50 before I can do this due to the mats req level 50!

I dont have time to justify my prices and argue it out with individuals. If you feel this is too expensive, then please dont post or whisper me in game. The amount of cash required to ensure success is about 6000 Spark Cash for a level 2 item. Essentially, it means that 1g is 10 bucks :-/

Custom pricing:

Custom pricing is available on a case by case basis. For instance, you already have +3 on your Item level 2 item, we can knock off some silver from your price. Remember though, this discount wont be much since going from 0 to +3 doesnt take much cash! You will be able to get a greater discount by taking a +6 item to +9!

New custom pricing for T2 items.

1-3 100s
1-6 500s
3-6 400s
3-9 900s
7-9 500s

Final notes:

I have been scammed doing this before. If I do not trust you, I will not do your enhancement. It sucks to spend Spark Cash on a level 0 axe only to have the guy flake out then trying to sell it for 100s :-/

If you contact me in game please do so from your main character.

-Zynne (Teva)

seal 08-29-2008 09:39 PM

to bad u dont do bijou... lotsa peeps need enhancing there XD.

me to:sigh:

08-29-2008 10:09 PM

yay for teva c[=

Sero 08-30-2008 03:38 AM

So 1g for a level 2 weapon? Ah...

Is a level 40 weapon level 2? Cause I might want to +9 my other staff, and sell the +9 staff that I dun wanna use :cheeky:

MikeyG 08-30-2008 03:56 AM

Yeah 30 and 40 are t2 so is 50

Sero 08-30-2008 04:12 AM

50 too eh? Cool ^^ now for T2 stones...

ZynneTeva 08-30-2008 08:15 AM

Remember guys and gals I CANNOT do T3 items! I need to be level 50 before I am allowed to use the T3 Elrue/Lix/Xir!

I know there are a lot of people wanting these done, but I physically cannot do them! I am not high enough to enchant T3/T4 items!

Sero 08-30-2008 08:18 AM

Yay! You're online! =D

Alright I have a level 40 staff I need to +9... Stone count:

14 T2 Elrues [Blessed and Lucky]
20 Lixes [normal]
70 Xirs [normal]

I like your idea for the trade process BTW ^^

ZynneTeva 08-30-2008 06:00 PM

I will be online and available for enhancements (Aug 30, 12:30 PST to 1:30 PST) when the servers come back up in about an hour.

Try to come see me within an hour of the servers coming back up. After that, its XP time! Ive been level 30 for way too long now haha~

TwinBlade778 08-30-2008 09:57 PM

:o How much would it cost to get from +7 - +9? T2 enhancement.

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