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Lirange 08-12-2013 04:15 AM

Fans of Hunger Games
If you're a fan of the Hunger Games, you might be a fan of Divergent too!
I'm a few chapters in and so far it's pretty interesting.

Loveless 08-13-2013 01:04 AM

Amazon keeps recommending that book cause I read Hunger Games...

Lirange 08-13-2013 02:47 AM

It's definitely similar to Hunger Games. Post-apocalyptic, divisions/factions, etc. Should pick it up!

Lirange 08-24-2013 08:48 PM

very short trailer:
I can already tell I won't like the movie. I read both of the books, I liked the second one a lot more. Can't wait for the third.

Lirange 10-27-2013 01:39 PM

First two books had really good ratings on Amazon (4.5 stars) but the newest one that was just released only got 2.5 looool. Still going to read it though.

Ralath 11-18-2013 01:22 AM

I've started the first book and it's kind of like a mix between Harry Potter and Hunger Games???

Lirange 11-18-2013 12:16 PM

Uh where did you get the Harry Potter influences from??! Hunger Games is really easy to see but HP?

Lirange 11-20-2013 04:18 AM

I just finished the series. I didn't think it was that bad! Though maybe that was because I came in with low expectations due to the reviews. The top 3 reviews on Amazon gave it 1 star lolz. Though the overall score has raised since I last checked it (now a 3). Like yeah it has some flaws and it's not an AMAZING book but I really enjoyed the last book overall.

Lirange 11-24-2013 03:04 AM

Tris and Four seems like bad actors and Tris is supposed to be underwhelming physically and Four is supposed to be like 17.

Ralath 11-24-2013 03:38 PM

I'm reading the third one right now... WHY DID SHE CHANGE TO SWITCHING POVs between Tris and Tobias!!!!!!!! Whyyyy

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