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Chriszed 08-12-2007 05:37 PM

What skills to empower.
I want to know what skills to empower how should i empower em eg: power, cooldown, SP consumption. I empowered my power shot and its awesome!

Bao 08-12-2007 08:04 PM

Add more dmg to all the Aimed Shots and Power Shot things, and decrease SP usage of Poison shot and stuff.

= Pwnage

Belaslav 08-12-2007 08:05 PM

Aimed Shot: SP consumption and Damage.

Power shot: Definetly Damage.

Fury impact : Duration time.

Bone shot: Duration time.

Multishot: Damage.

Nature's protection: Cooldown.

That's my builds.

Dynamics 08-12-2007 10:14 PM

Keep in mind Belaslav that the empowerments available to you are limited. You'd have about 25 (correct me if I'm mistaken) to use freely at level 50. The best thing to do is focus them into skills that you use the most frequently. Empowering power shot and aimed shot is essential, these skills are your bread and butter as an archer. Personally I don't invest points into Nature's Protection and Multishot because:

a) I've never needed to use nature's protection when in a party, in my opinion it's more SP efficient to allow the fighters to attract enemy aggro. It also has limited use when soloing, because it won't actually do anything without someone else nearby.

b)Using multi shot on a majority of mobs is like asking to die.

I won't disagree with your first four suggestions, but I'll add that investing into cooldown for power shot and aimed shot is a good use of empowerments. With cooldown maxed on both skills, it'll generally allow you to use them again once you finish handling most enemies.

Also, though it may not sound particularly useful, investing points into SP consumption is pretty practical. Anyone that's played this game long enough knows how quickly skills can drain your SP in the upper levels.

Kiedo 08-12-2007 10:59 PM

I put all my points into Power Shot but only because it's Closed Beta and I wanted to try it out. When OB starts, I'll save my points until I can get a real list of every Skill and their effect.

DTOSensei 08-21-2007 07:52 PM


Fury impact : Duration time.
Bone shot: Duration time.
This 2 skill i dont think need to up the time that lasts is good.
In my opinion which needs is SP Consumption

JiNXED 08-27-2007 09:21 PM

If you're a full Spr Archer I say damage and cooldown rather then SP consumption.

KY_Jelly 09-11-2007 07:18 AM

i maxed out damage of aimed shot, then cool time, then i will max SP consumption.

unorthadox, but it's working well. just spam that like mages spam magic missle.

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