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Jikanu 03-12-2009 10:08 PM

I need to vent >.>
ok, so today at P.E., we were doing baseball, and we split into a couple of teams to practice. Kids on the other team start throwing those little plastic balls with holes in them that are hollow at me and my friend. when we go and tell the teacher, she criticizes us for a minor thing where apparently teammates were supposed to pitch to us instead of the opposing team, making the two teams take turns. She then totally ignores the fact that we were getting the balls thrown at us, and when i try to point it out, she mocks me for using the term "accentuate." Also, before you say that IF we had follow the rules it wouldnt have occured, our teammates were being bullies too, imatating me in a mocking manor when i pointed out that we were supposed to only have 4 pitches each, and cussing us out for random stuff. besides, it'

Belaslav 03-12-2009 10:12 PM

...and we're back to square one.

Look, you can't depend on people to help you forever. YOU have to do that for yourself. Sure your teacher is an ass, but still...

Hraesvelg 03-12-2009 10:16 PM

Since when have PE teachers given a flying damn about anything that happens in their class? As long as there isn't blood, they don't care.

Jikanu 03-12-2009 10:26 PM

...*sigh*... that's... really... really... depressing ._.

Hraesvelg 03-12-2009 10:55 PM

The world isn't going to treat you with kid gloves, mate. You're just going to have to man up and deal with it.

Jikanu 03-12-2009 11:04 PM

but if they're PAID to insure the saftey of their students, shouldnt they do their job? you dont get a job in the secret service, and then when the president gets shot say "whoopdie-friggin-doo... he should've had the bullet-proof hood on the car >.>"

kirbysprite 03-12-2009 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jikanu (Post 306393)
but if they're PAID to insure the saftey of their students, shouldnt they do their job?

That reminds me what my health teacher said about the security guards in my school. They don't really do their job. They try to act like your friend and they check out the girls...:zomg:

Hraesvelg 03-12-2009 11:07 PM

You were getting pegged by whiffle balls, nancy. Your safety was not at risk.

A_Forever 03-12-2009 11:08 PM

I lol'd at that JFK reference.

Thats not a very good defense, kid.

Its gym. Shit happens in gym all the time. I haven't been to a school yet where the gym teacher deals with little things like being hit with a plastic ball. Kids have to defend themselves. No, you don't have to punch the "bully".. just throw the ball back at them.

Hazu 03-12-2009 11:14 PM

Wiffle balls kinda hurt at times..... especially if my brothers throw them.

But yeah coaches dont usually care about the kids. They have favortism towards thekids that playtheir sport. Forget about other kids. Dont really care about their job. check out the female students. yeah. Coaches suck. So glad it isnt madatory in highschool but hten again... people arnt asses at my school like that. The coaches dont really care what we do and usually play gameson computers but yeah... lol.

I understand why you'd be upset about htis. But If it gets bad enough I say report it to the principal or something. If it isnt that bad, ignore the idiots. They'll probably be on the streets begging for money while your in a comfy home one day. Bullies get no where :3 and karma... is a wonderful thing

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