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Zwivix 10-07-2009 08:42 PM

Spacing on left hand
I just remembered to say something. Its been bothering me for the longest time. Can you add a space or an indentation for the "Game"Champion! and the Tournaments Won: 4 thing.

I dont know its just really annyoing. Is there anyway you guys can make it more clean?

Moebius Syndrome Champion!
Tournaments Won: 4

and not how it is now.

Moebius Syndrome Champion!Tournaments Won: 4

arman5656 10-16-2009 04:03 PM

Agreed, it looks weird!

Blaaaaaaaah 10-17-2009 12:43 AM

I never saw this o-o" I like that idea. Hopefully Entropy can change it.

Zwivix 10-17-2009 01:43 AM

Wow. Its already fixed? Nice. Thanks for the fast work Entropy~! :3

Hessah 10-17-2009 01:53 AM

doesnt look fixed to me~

Zwivix 10-17-2009 04:10 AM

D: Oh wait...I changed my zoom on the page :p Lmao any other computer it isnt fixed D:

aramil001 10-21-2009 05:57 PM

lol I never noticed it >.>

Entropy 10-22-2009 10:56 AM

"Mobious Syndrome Champion" is supposed to scroll. It seems people with 2 or more championships have theirs scroll, if you only have 1 it doesnt. Not sure if its always been like that.

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