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DarkFly 01-26-2011 01:06 AM

Knight pvp'r?
How would a Knight go about pvp? When I say this, I mean what build?

Wizardcool11 01-28-2011 11:45 PM

just go with anything non int, and if u see a gladiator then run

DarkFly 01-28-2011 11:53 PM

im talking about taking on a glad XD

NovastWinter 03-29-2011 04:14 AM

well..start with having 95+9 set and +10 1h and +9 shield..for build im gonna recommend full str ^^ and a good set of empowerment can give u high enough dps to kill glad within 8sec xD.

this is what i did anyway..good luck =)

urivor 05-19-2013 09:27 PM

if u mean going agaisnt a glad.. well, one think for sure Glads Hurt!! make it with a +10/11 axe and the damage skyrockets to heaven! but thena gain thats why they are glads

For a knight def is sacred and the hp holy, it will be a must to have +9/10 gears and 1h+11 with a shield+10 if posible

as scarry as glads are with their "IMMA 1 HIT U !" they are very str centred, making them rather squishy, if they are not able to kill u with in seconds then its to ur advantage

about the build, thats my very own oppinion, with 50 on end u will get the bosus to the block rate of ur shield, 25 to spr(optional for those non sc users) provides u with a extra 5% to crit that may very well save ur life in on last minute kill-shot and that leaves the rest on str for the damage input u will need to take down the giant

even with the 50 on end, end gears will be wise, again, glads hurt x.x so u will need as much hp as u can get, dex would help also for axe has low aim, but anyways one eva scroll might sufice

for skills, this is only one option tho, the skill empowerment is strictly personal acording the skils that u use most, but well, this is a suggestion:

Slice and Dice
5 points into Damage
5 points into Cool Down

5 points into Damage Increase
5 points into Cool Down
5 points into Duration

5 points into Cool Down [Optional]
5 points into Duration [Optional]

Accurate Strike
5 points into Damage

hope it helps :D

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