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cillia 01-18-2009 03:57 AM

i just bought Sony Vegas 7.0 today and i <3 it soooooooooo much <33333

but anyways i seriously <3 it its kinda confuzeling at first Oo but im slowly getting how to use it ^.^

ah ok it finished uploading.. o.o tell me what you think!!!

shugo chara ftw :3
click for hq plz :OO

cillia 01-18-2009 09:39 AM


sry if this is double posting D: no one would probably notice if i hadent bumped it~~~

a.L 01-18-2009 10:53 AM

Once you get more comfortable using the program, I would love for you to add some more tile effects to resemble the official music video for the song. But so far it's still good. xD

Blaaaaaaaah 01-18-2009 11:08 AM

Don't you just love Sony Vegas? I love it too <3 Nice video~ I'm not too worried about the effects and stuff, because I'm sure you'll eventually get it with more tries.

One thing you might like to look at is your resolution so that it looks good on youtube. Because atm, you see "black bars" on the side (if you're looking from YT page). Try this:

Also read the description on the side. Depending on how fast your computer is, I recommend using the 640x360 option. My comp isn't fast, and rendering a 3-4 minute video with lots of effects in 1440x1080 took me 2.5 hours. 2.5 HOURS. And usually it'll lag so much that I can't do anything else.

1280x720 is alright, if you have a fast computer. But unless you're planning to watch it on TV, maybe 640x360 is a good start. xD I'm sure there's lots of SV rendering options to fiddle with too.

But nice start!

cillia 01-18-2009 05:24 PM

Ah tnx for telling me blaaahs xD
>:3 but I have a question~
how do you make light panels/tiles in the middle of the clip? >_<

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