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Combou 11-28-2014 08:19 AM

Is anyone playing runescape here? I played runescape 10 years back 2007 edition and it seems to have been back.

Flowersss 11-30-2014 08:27 AM

Looooonnnnnggggg Time ago. Like around 2007 like yourself. :cries: Not playing anymore though. Brings back memoriieeessss.

Ralath 11-30-2014 05:24 PM

I heard there was a Runescape 2?

Hessah 12-01-2014 12:24 AM

I used to play.. but rage quit when someone scammed my lobsters..

My first online scammed experience.. I'm now smarter.

Ralath 12-01-2014 12:56 AM


How did you get scammed out of your lobsters??? Weren't they pretty easy to catch? (I can't remember...)

Hessah 12-01-2014 04:54 AM

Someone wanted to trade some sword with me for my 200 lobsters..

And they did that thing where they put it in the trade, confirmed, unconfirmed, change the item, confirmed unconfirmed, cross out, trade again etc etc... eventually it got to a point where I accepted a trade with my 200 lobsters and they put nothing in for trade..

Every since if anyone in any game tried to trade me anything and cancel, they don't get a 2nd chance.

Man that would've been like 15 years ago.. it still makes my blood boil.

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