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choosma12 01-07-2011 08:15 PM

What lvl is the buff skill? or is it a skill and how do i get it i'm a lvl 19 for now ._.

noleprincess 01-07-2011 08:33 PM

You get your buff for hp/sp at lvl 47. Until then you will have to use either scrolls or get buffs from a higher lvl cleric. At your level, you can only buff yourself with protection and another party member. Hope that helps :)

I am still a fairly new player but this is what I have seen so far. Any experienced players feel free to correct me if I am wrong :D

Kaini 01-07-2011 08:39 PM

You're correct. The lvl 47 buff skill is called Endure. I forget what level the immune buff comes at.... sooner, that's for sure XD 30 something I think.

choosma12 01-07-2011 09:51 PM

D: that long:cries:

crystalblueheart 01-07-2011 10:43 PM

It's level 31 for immune. :) If you would like to see other cleric skills if you're wondering lvl reqs, use the FiesaFan wiki. Here's a direct link to the page:

choosma12 01-13-2011 11:27 PM

Thnx You All!

crystalblueheart 01-14-2011 01:29 AM

np :) good luck getting to 47! :D

Wizardcool11 01-14-2011 12:58 PM

and gl for paladin...

AVTXL386 01-16-2011 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by choosma12 (Post 433084)
D: that long:cries:

rofl. I guess a new player would think playing levels 20-47 takes a long time. I can't wait til level 50+ pops her little bubble of how long it takes to level. clerics are mostly replaced with sc items at higher levels. so youll find yoursellf havving to solo. (hint; even if you mostly play support, but some stats in str. at least 10.)

Oha-san 07-03-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by AVTXL386 (Post 433780)
rofl. I guess a new player would think playing levels 20-47 takes a long time. I can't wait til level 50+ pops her little bubble of how long it takes to level. clerics are mostly replaced with sc items at higher levels. so youll find yoursellf havving to solo. (hint; even if you mostly play support, but some stats in str. at least 10.)

That is unless you find a party, and do LN. Otherwise this is mostly true.

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