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Hazu 03-24-2008 12:32 AM

Im not sure what is up with this, but everytime I am attacked by this one person, I get Disconnected.
(So he tends to go after me)
1. This gives a absolutly disadvantage and cost me T3 scrolls in the Abyss.
2. This shouldnt be happening

._. Didnt know where to post this but I am so confused why this happens.

Darling~ 03-24-2008 12:49 AM

Normally the first few times I get hit in pvp or a guild war I lag a bit, I've never d/c'd when it happens, though. But that's odd if it's just one person...
The only thing I can think of is you could try restarting your computer to fix it, It's worth a try. As to why it's happening I have absolutely no clue.

Zodiac 03-24-2008 12:55 AM

=| Hmm, well if he has enhanced weapons it may cause you to lag to much and crash or if he is using a special, also in the rare occasion that you miss installed something like a graphic file required to complete a game movement. Reinstalling would fix that.

Hazu 03-24-2008 12:55 AM

This has been happeneding for about three days, and it is only this person.
He seems to target me becuase just by clicking do attacking normally I D/C. So No fair fight and there was a GUilD war just a min. ago with their guild, very unfair on my part.

And Now i am having trouble logging in. I click login and it brings me up to the book then brings me back to the page were i loggin at. And It did this 5 times in a row before I could even log in at all, just to log in and get attacked to be D/Ced again.

XxSacred_LeonxX or something like that.
._. Its not fair

I have a bran new computer with great graphic cards and I rarely lag and get D/Ced. And its jsut if he attacks me at all, doesnt matter his weapon.. he switches them at times.

Zodiac 03-24-2008 12:58 AM

o_O well unless he's finding away to max your bandwith and make you disconnect I doubt he is doing it. Though it is curious, try asking him not to attack though I doubt that will work.

Hazu 03-24-2008 01:00 AM

._. yeah I doubt that too, his party got in a fight w/ mine over a Training spot in Battle grounds one time...

I asked him about it and he said a few other people said that happens when he attacks them.

>< All I know is I want this fixed or something, because aslong as we both train in the same are and he wants the spot im training at in the battle grounds He will just D/C me.

Darling~ 03-24-2008 01:05 AM

Well, I'd hate to be you right now. >.>
Then again... I can't log in because of X Trap.

Hazu 03-24-2008 01:08 AM

._. Well im just in shop right now... couldnt even help save my guildmates from that guild because he would cause me to D/C everytime I attacked one of his guildmates. (and yes he knows he makes me D/C- we tested it out and hten he went loony and made me D/C alot in a row)

D= Hope they fix the X Trap issue too.

Zodiac 03-24-2008 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Darling~ (Post 112401)
Well, I'd hate to be you right now. >.>
Then again... I can't log in because of X Trap.

=| im in the same boat as you hee hee here Darling I made this a while back might make you laugh

Enraya 03-24-2008 03:22 AM

NO ONE ELSE makes you d/c?
And that isn't very nice of him to do that ... purposely making you d/c just so you can't help out your guildies.

It might not necessarily be your computer that's causing you to disconnect. I'm not very tech wise, so I can't say much else >O<;

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