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IcED 05-01-2009 01:07 AM

"Mommy, can I buy a Snickers?" No honey, we only have enough for MY CIGARETTES HAHA!
This is NOT my experience! I quoted this from someone in another forum.


Originally Posted by Bokyung
I work at a small convince store, (during weekends only)we sell candies, pops, water, chips, gum, cigarettes, etc. It's a typical small convince store.

The problem isn't the store, its not the products within the store. It's the customers that pisses me off.

I see this often, a parent coming to the store with their child/children. The kid is always between 5-12. When they try to pick a snack, their parents tells them they can't buy it because they don't have enough money.

That's cool right? It can't be helped, they don't have enough money. But what pisses me off is that they buy f***ing cigarettes for themselves which ranges between $ 7.00-12.00 CND. Yet they tell their child they can't buy a chocolate bar that costs $1.25...

Okay, what the ****. Just don't buy the fucking cigarette and buy your son/daughter a candy once in a while. I know you are living in a dump but that doesn't mean you have to treat your child like a dump. ****'s sake, no wonder these kids are happy as **** when I give them a candy once in awhile out of my hourly wage.

I find this is another reason why smoking isn't good.

A_Forever 05-01-2009 01:11 AM

Oh wow.

I've seen this happen before. All I could think was, "Stupid parent. How about you stop smoking and buy your kid a treat now and then. Hell.. just stop smoking.. it'll be healthier for you AND your child(ren)."

The excuse I've heard before was, "Smoking helps me stay calm. Things are so stressful."

Erm. Anyways. Its complete bs to me. Honestly.

Jikanu 05-01-2009 01:18 AM

so... cancer calms people? o-o

Hazu 05-01-2009 01:21 AM

Actually I find this interesting, my parents smoke though but they always put us kids before it when it came to money problems.

Lol I dont agree with smoking and I'm excited that my parents are actually going to try to stop smoking after... well more than 30 some years? -not sure- Im almost 17 now and they did it way before I was born.

but there's lots of people that doring really care much about their children enough to skip cigarettes for atleast one day to get them something an dmake them feel loved, which is just wrong.

And smoking mor elike... gives people something to do in a way. I dont really make a big deal of second hand smoek though since I grew up with it and Im healthy and rarely sick and don't have any lung problems. I'll never smoke though lol I do think it's dumb to even start though.

Hessah 05-01-2009 01:38 AM

Well... I more or less agree with that person... but the otherside of the coin is..

If the parent earnt the money themselves, then they should be entitled to buy what they need/want? Chocolate is also bad for kids coz... it may rot their teeth and contribute to obesity....

But then again.. if they parents have really worked for their own money, they should be able to afford toe ciggy + chocolate =/

Maybe "I got no money" is a bad excuse...

Belaslav 05-01-2009 02:18 AM

Never smoked a day in my life. And proud of it. I've wasted over $100,000 for the past 18 years, if I was a smoker.

Loveless 05-01-2009 02:23 AM

Even if it wasn't a pack of cigarettes... if you're going to say no money don't buy something that costs more than what the kid had initially wanted. Otherwise find a better reason like teeth rotting, etc.

IcED 05-01-2009 02:45 AM

Chocolate may cause teeth to rot, ONLY if you don't take care of your teeth properly.

I myself am a fan of chocolate, and I eat quite a lot. Chocolate icecream, KitKat, Snickers, Mars, Hersheys and other ones I can't remember.

Despite this, my teeth are healthy and clean. I've never had to get a tooth pulled out because of decay. And thats because I take care of my teeth.
(Flossing, brushing, mouthwash, going to scheduled clean up appointments etc. etc.)

If the kids, or if the parents make sure the kids take care of their teeth, I'm sure their teeth will be fine.

That doesn't work the same way for smoking though. Its non-reversible.
The more you smoke, the more you're at risk for cancer.

I'd rather relieve my stress by confiding in my children, friends or family rather than confiding in something that'll kill me soon.

Don't forget there are other ways of 'relaxation' you can get for $7 - $12.

Loveless 05-01-2009 02:47 AM

Rotting teeth was a (bad) example, obviously.

But I assume if you can't pay for chocolate... you sure as hell aren't paying for any dentistry.

Jikanu 05-01-2009 02:50 AM

You can pay for a toothbrush and some toothpaste though...

and do they even still MAKE mars bars? o_o

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