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Horinia 03-06-2008 04:04 AM

60+ drops
I thought about posting this in the Outspark forums, but it seems no matter how many times this issues is brought up it always get swept under the rug there.

My issue and/or concern is with the equipment drops for levels 60 and above. At this time, to my knowledge, only a few green level 60 shields have been found to date in Land of Trials, the 60-69 dungeon. Since the patch in December, raising the level cap to 79, not a single green stated item has been found on any of the servers. The aforementioned shields were statless by the way.

I did get a chance to ask GM Snakeeyes in Uruga about this, and he assured me that these items were in the game, just really rare. I took him for his word, as I had no reason to doubt his knowledge about the game mechanics at the time. However since then the great Burning Rock incident occurred, and based off the general reaction and responses from the GM's it seemed thier percieved knowledge about the game may not be as clear as they project it to be.

Now I am concerned. This of course is my own opinion but in most MMO's, there are really only two main ways of character advancement. The first is leveling. Now this has of course its own gripe section from anyone above 60, but I am ok with having to spend some serious keyboard pounding for a week to get a level. To me that makes the level more rewarding.

The second method of advancement is of course with gear. During my 50's I seriously enjoyed the anticipation of seeing what what kind of stats that item that just dropped for me had. Or being pleasently surprised to get one on a clear through BoD on my way to finish quests. The aspect of green gear aquisition actually made those levels fun and exciting, even during tedious quests. It added a layer of intrest to me besides "kill mob, get exp, kill mob, get exp, kill mob, get exp".

Now I am at my high 60's approaching 70 very soon. And I must say, it is very hard to spend 5-6 hours in LoT only to get the very rare 50 level gear drop. I have killed the boss at least 35 times now, with Hunters war rant on, and only have mats to show from him. Now I know there are a few 60+ items in the game, but they are accessories such as rings and necks, and they are pretty easy to get. I have killed Ghost knight so many times as to have 3, level 75 rings drop and as of today a lic for him.

But accesories are something for everyone, nowhere are the class specific gear drops like we are used too. Without the potential for the higher level players to advance thier character with both ways, levels and gear, I fear the grind from 70-79 may just be too much for them. I know its been too much for some to even get from 60-69 as it is. At least the gear gives us some feeling of moving forward.

I simply cant sit back anymore and listen to the GM's try to tell us that there is nothing broken when it is pretty obvious something is wrong. Are they trying to tell us that Blue items are more common to the game then 60+ green ones? Many of us have seen these on every server. These people that are saying the game is functioning properly are the same ones that, even though they had bug reports about the BR quests, told us they did not know that there was any problems.

Yes the game can be played fine without these items. No the world wont come to a crashing halt if they arent added. All I am saying is, it would make the game so much more fun to have something else to look forward to, to have something to make the 8 million exp needed to level go by just a little bit smoother.

Please, although I pretty much know what response this will get, GM's look into this issue. I know something is amiss and Im not the only one who feels this way.

Thanks for the read and time if you had the patience to get through this.

Hessah 03-06-2008 04:13 AM

Hmm yeah.. thats a really long read!! but i read it all

Is there something you're proposing for us to do? I'm sure everyone knows that we need more lvl 60+ gear, in fact, i thought that green lvl 60 gear doesnt exist altogether!

But... What can we do about it?

Maybe, you should try talk to SKiNG, he seems to be the one incharge of patch announcements, so he's probably better to talk to about patch and things...

Hyper 03-06-2008 04:14 AM

I hate to say it, but Snakey is wrong...

The items are in the game's files, but they do NOT drop. They are like the CS weapons. In the files, just not implemented yet. I'm kind of supprised that Outspark doesn't know it.

Actually, they would never know if they dropped. They don't even play like normal people do. If they didn't grind 24/7, they would never know. (Redundant?)

Loveless 03-06-2008 04:17 AM

Phew, that was a very long post!

I have yet to come across green weapons/equipment of any level except the boss weapons. That's just how my luck is. :P But even with that I have been soloing Orcs for pretty much my whole level 50 life and I, myself, have never gotten anything but a necklace which was under 60. You would think that even the unluckiest individual would come across an INT infused Fighter gear after weeks on the same monster!

This issue has come up so many times in the official forums and in-game. So obviously there IS a problem. The GMs, should at least look into it instead of telling us it is there when nobody has gotten a weapon/equipment with stats to date. That is the least they can do. To make sure it is actually working because how can they be 100% sure it is when they weren't the ones who developed the game? They, as they keep saying, only implement the patches. But what can you expect from Outspark? It's sad that it's come to a point where we have such low expectations from this company.

Horinia 03-06-2008 04:20 AM

As far as any suggestions I have, really there is nothing that can be done by the community. I know for a fact this has been brought up before in both the official forums as well as in game to the employees of outspark. Im sure they consider this a minor aspect of gameplay though, compared to issues such as Bot-prevention, spammer elimination, and basic game play bugs.

Also in addition, this doesnt pertain to the community as a whole. Not to sound elitist, but really the only people this impacts are the ones who are 60 or higher, and as a portion of the community, thats a rather small chunk.

However that "chunck" is growing larger by the day as more and more pass the 60 mark. It may become more of an outspken issue in the weeks to come, and maybe then more voices will speak up about it.

I wish I had some fix all solution or idea, but as Im not a programme for the game or an outspark employee theres nothing I can think of besides trying to rally more people to bring this to the forefrint.

O-mie 03-06-2008 04:22 AM

I honestly believe that they just upload the patches they get from bk without testing them, and anytime they have a problem they whine to the bk branch to fix a patch up, hence why fixes take so damn long.

Well I dunno if that's a fact but its what it seems like, with all the hugeee errors they make. Especially with the BR thing. Its like, first off - how can you MISS a quest like that being there as long as it as, AND how can you miss opening several maps you "werent' supposed to". Obviously it wasn't the map which was the problem, but them having a messed up quest. But yeah.. >_> Green items plz.

Loveless 03-06-2008 04:25 AM

That's true that the 60+ are still a small chunk but you have to take into consideration that these are the people who will stay the longest and have stayed the longest.

Also, because newer maps have not been opened, many are resorting to using the EXP cards. Money for Outspark right there. They also don't want to lose any exp so Teva's Blessing. It's important to keep the bigger chunk of the players happy but you cannot neglect those who have stuck with ya for so long. I've spent well over $100 since the game started their Cash Shop which I really shouldn't have but I'd expect more from a company making profit here.

@Omie: If they did get the patches from BK they'd have no problems. Japanese people are god damned picky about their games. I visit their official site and as soon as they've got a bug, it's fixed within a week. It's scary how fast they act.

Yosei 03-06-2008 04:46 AM

I think I recall a GM saying they were discussing on the release of 60+ green items. I doubt they're intentionally VERY rare to drop, and the items that do drop are glitches. I honestly don't think they have been implemented into the game.

Loveless 03-06-2008 05:18 AM

It's weird how they have to 'discuss' whether to implement them or not. Weapon/equipment drop as well as other drops should be a given when new maps and cap raises are made.

Ralath 03-06-2008 05:19 AM

Woo! It's my guildie!

I for one don't think they're implemented. I've never seen one in a shop (and decent ones, not even good ones, would be going for golds and even crappy ones would be going for hundreds of silvers at the rate they drop) and I have never heard anyone ever talking about it.

Back on the topic of the 60+ community--

Although the 60+ community is kind of small, I bet that almost 90% of that community uses the CashShop. I'm trying to think of 60+ people that I've seen in game or know about that don't use the CashShop and I can maybe think of one. And that's just my guess from what he spams in shout.

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