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Hessah 02-08-2013 03:03 AM

I have a craving for...
Ramen! (not your American instant noodles)

An auntie posted a picture of Ramen from JAPAN and I WANT ONE!!
(Not her pic)

Going to go have it for dinner tonight... I CAN'T WAIT!

a.L 02-08-2013 03:10 AM

Me too! I should really stop watching food shows

a.L 02-10-2013 08:36 AM


Hessah 02-10-2013 09:37 AM

OMG... JAPAN!!!!!!! I miss it so much~

a.L 02-10-2013 10:10 AM

I'm loving that show. It shows Japanese food quite a lot (though mostly ramen because David Chang draw a lot of his inspiration from Japan and his restaurant is a fancier ramen bar I think)

You have to watch Anthony Bourdain's No Reservation episodes about Japan

Hessah 02-10-2013 10:27 AM

Wow they're long.. need to watch it another day..

But the ramen in Japan is just awesome! Not every place is good, but we've stumbled upon some that just makes you go "OMG!!"

Their broth is soooo tasty~

My mouth is watering watching that one by David Chang LOL

Yosei 02-10-2013 04:51 PM

Those instant noodles aren't even American :( our instant ramen brand is Maruchan which is a branch of a Japanese company.

Hessah 02-10-2013 08:38 PM

LOLOL I was referring to how you guys call instant noodles Ramen.

Like if I say Ramen you guys think instant noodles right?

MikeyG 02-10-2013 10:40 PM

It is all about pho

Hessah 02-10-2013 11:10 PM

pho is good too, but I get to have it too often so it's not as special xD

In fact I had it like once a week for 3 months at one stage, I went on pho strike after that..

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